Do you agree with Sony not releasing The Interview?


  • HC - 10 years ago

    Love how some critics even tried to blame Obama, saying he should have told Sony to continue with their if we didn't see in those leaked emails how much they respect the President's opinion. I'm not crying for Sony today.

  • PrinceLeron - 10 years ago

    I honestly thinks that Sony knows that there in not a chance there will be a some type account. My theory is that Sony is more afraid that the hackers have some other emails that they do not want to get out. Notice how they canceled "The Interview" the same time those Denzel emails came out.

    Also the hypocrisy of white people is so great to watch. We all know that if someone made a comedy that made full of 9/11, these motha fuckas will try to make sure that movie doesn't make it to theaters. And the false patriotism is so damn annoying. So if the movie gets put back in theaters, do the terrorist lose? But Black people better not be upset that our people are being slaughtered in the streets.

  • Joe Spacely - 10 years ago

    Maybe next year, Sony will put a few dollars into "The Firewall".

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