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Do you prefer to say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays"?

Total Votes: 5,350

  • beth richardson - 10 years ago

    What is wron'g with everyone....have you forgotten...WHEN IN ROME DO AS THE ROMANS....CANADA HAS AND WILL ALWAYS BE THE PLACE TO SAY '''MERRY CHRISTMAS''.....if you others don't like it,,,stay home...don't come here...of simply 'leave it well enough alone!" Thin about how we Canadians would be 'told to act' when in another country....and trust me,,,we do behave accordingly because we are full of respect for other peoples' cultures.


  • Joseph Lionel Sylvain Berube - 10 years ago

    My family came to Canada in 1645, I say MERRY CHRISTMAS and only MERRY CHRISTMAS. It is a little late for people to speak up. We will soon be outnumbered by immigrants. I feel lost in what is left of the country my ancestors worked so hard for. Afraid to express my feelings publicly in fear that our PM will have me put in one of his new jails....I feel invaded, betrayed, Why do we need to be so numerous? To fill the pockets of the rich, that's why. They can bleed more people of their hard earned money. Immigrants don't protest, easier to manipulate and control. Canada was a sweet place when I grew up. MERRY CHRISTMAS JOYEUX NOEL

  • Marty Truelove - 10 years ago

    While we Canadians are bending over backwards to please the "new comers",we are getting bent over,and in the end,is just where we will get it ! ps MERRY CHRISTMAS.

  • Joan - 10 years ago

    canadians are too prompt at pleasing others. Let those who want say "Happy Aolidays " but no one should be barred from saying "Merry Christmas". To many of us that is what the season is all about!

  • Ann Madill - 10 years ago

    I, too, am tired of our government wanting to be politically correct, especially at Christmas time! I worked in retail for a number of years. Customers who were not Christian were quite happy to wish me Merry Christmas and were not offended if I wished them Merry Christmas, too. I actually had a customer who told me that her family did a small Christmas celebration to teach their children what our Christmas was all about!! So, let's all have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!! And to those stores that think that Happy Holidays should be used instead? Get your heads out of the sand!!! This is a Christian country! We celebrate CHRISTmas!! All the best to everyone. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

  • Mark Clark - 10 years ago

    What country do I live in
    I am so fed up with being a minoity in my own country
    If you people that have come here to have a Canadian life then get with the program!
    I wish the government would make this clear to all the people who want in
    Canada the best country in the world why do you think everyone wants to come here
    I could keep writing but it's Christmas time to relax and reflect

    Merry Christmas to all

  • Barb Townsend - 10 years ago

    If you,are such a CHRISTmas store,why do you not carry nativity sets. This is what CHRISTmas is about. I,personally will not be in your store spending my Christian money. One person may not make a difference but there are more who are offended.
    Merry chri$tmas to you all for an irritated ex shopper.

  • anthony hartnell - 10 years ago

    It's a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, hence, Merry Christmas, it's not that complicated! I don't wish my Hindu friends happy holidays at Diwali or my Jewish friends happy holidays at Hanukkah. If you're not Christian and don't believe in Jesus Christ, don't celebrate Christmas, seems pretty simple to me!

  • Rick - 10 years ago

    I like that Walk Out of the Store if they say "Happy Holidays" Its about time we as Canadians stood up for the Country. People should be Glad Canadian lets them live here. Its the Canadian way or the Highway. Hope some people take the Highway.

  • Rick mammis - 10 years ago

    Whoever is offended by "merry Christmas" should find it more offensive to take a day off on Christmas

  • Margaret Couling - 10 years ago

    Happy holidays can be said at anytime throughout the year when people are taking a vacation from work. Christmas is a separate and traditional holiday and Merry Christmas is part of that tradition. In my mind, it has nothing to do with religion…..I say it to everyone. If some are offended by it, don't reply. I simply do not see how wishing someone a joyful time of the year (Christmas) is in anyway offensive.

  • wayne lake - 10 years ago

    When I go in a store if the employee says Happy Holiday I turn and walk out. Canadians have had enough of this nonsense.

  • Rani - 10 years ago

    This is not a joke is it? If it is, then it is in pretty bad taste. Hiding your own faith to appease others. Why don't you crawl under your tables at Canadian Tyre, if you suffer from so much cowardice? Canada seems to be very adept at inventing this kind of hypocrisy, going by it's past record. Of course the politicians here beat everyone else to it!

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