What percentage of stars have solar systems that contain or once contained intelligent life?


  • Michael Hubert - 13 years ago

    Some say that experienced 'Reality' is in the mind of the Perciever. And I find no fault with this conclusion. However, some of humanity have granted themselves the freedom to choose following the 'silver thread' of their innate intuitively inspired curiosity which would open doors of artistically imagined master-pieces of exporative possibility. And when thus when the true artistically guided explorative scientist is released from the limited and unimaginative shackles of the known and the so called rational, he and she is then much more capable in their investigative efforts towards actually becoming more satisfied with the ever-presence of their own divine curiosities inner and outer call. This multi-sensory process, when fully freed from the limiting influences of needing academic substantiation and approval, then each 'true-to-themselves' scientific explorer is more able to aptly attain a greater ease of intuitive clarity for gaining the kinds of evidence which more thoroughly satisfies our 'knowledge-dependant' minds ever deepening notions of yet unproven points of probability. - Having said this, there is a knowing beyond the mind of our childhood conditioning and academically trained collective agreements. An aspect of 'Knowing' which easily transends these kinds of assumptions and soars easily into the blue-black sky of the unknown. Able to much more smoothly 'make the acquaintance of the surprising', without the sudden tension and concerned emotions of a usually experienced state of 'Surprise'. It has been those who have dared to do so, at the risk of social reprisal and certain academic discreditation, who have been the ones who ended up being hailed as the 'most ingenious' of humanity's recognized scientific discoverers and break-through inventors. -- Let's now turn our attentions toward the existance of intelligent Living beings, capable of forming their own societies, based on their own levels of deductive sciences, which would additionally include social considerations which adequately represent the collective perception of purpose for their entire species. Their favorite education assumptions based sometimes on their leaderships needs for maintaining control and some more freely based on their own versions of meta-phyical philosophies and intuitive spirituality. They would also have evolved their own sciences to facilitate the creation and evolutions of Life-convenience and Self-protection technologies - (At least in those Universes which are still processing their own unique lessons in the polarities of Love and Fear.) - I might ask: Why do we even need to ask the question: "Is their Intelligent Socially Organizing Life somewhere else 'out-there' beyond Earth?" - Especially when we see the Vast Evidence of obvious probability - shining like countless well-lit diamonds in our dark evening skies. What an interesting religious proposal that was thoughtfully engineered to silence our natural curiosities until we had a greater scientific intellect and meta-physical freedom for meeting the social implecations without giving up our collective power again to past forms of superstitious worship of those who may have already achieved greater scientific prowess and technicalogical advancements beyond our previous imaginations. - What if there really was a 'Prime-Directive' which honors the natural process of evolution which all-beings must traverse through before those that are waiting as our Brothers and Sisters of other Stars, may reveal themselves and walk among us as our divine equals, freely sharing their knowledge and technological assistance for rebalancing the well-being of our Panet and its People. - Maybe we can all give ourselves permission to out-grow the familiar dependancies on the current world's offering of religious and academic assumptions, and learn to freely and confidently explore what our own intuitions and destinies may inspire us to give interested attention to. After all, your Real-Self e

  • Martijn Dekker - 15 years ago

    Define intelligent life.....

    I find it hard to define intelligence and life apart.... let alone combined.

    Anything is possible!

  • Larry K. Bay - 15 years ago

    The aliens are already here. We all are still waiting for disclosure to happen.

  • Ian - 16 years ago

    I believe a complex set of circumstances allowed for intelligent life to develop on our planet.If the dinosaurs had not been wiped out i doubt that man would have had s chance to even evolve let alone exist.Therefore the chances of intelligent life existing elsewhere is slim.Let's face it,we are trying our hardest to find and contact alien life why would'nt they be doing the same?If they are intelligent and advanced it is easy to know that if they had no curiosity they would not have become an advanced civilization.

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