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How much Photoshop manipulation do you consider to be acceptable? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 449

  • Alan - 10 years ago

    A photograph is only really a true photograph, up to a point of manipulation. To much PS and it becomes a man made picture. A true photo, is what the lens sees.

  • Adam Pardy - 10 years ago

    So your saying photography is not an art Chris? It largely exists for its artistic merit so if PS makes a photo look better why not?
    In fairness I think the question is quite broad and it depends on the photograph your taking, If its scenery or something purely judged on its aesthetics anything goes, if its news gathering photography then only adjusting exposure etc is acceptable. Model/fashion photography is a whole different debate as you have to factor in the effects you have on youngsters body image etc.

  • Roger Lush - 10 years ago

    Using Photoshop is just an easier way of creating an image than the early photographers did in the dark room, there are probably 1000's of images from 50 plus years ago that were manipulated to achieve the desired result, the difference was no one knew because the photographer didn't mention it, nowadays every knows what can be done in Photoshop so it's harder to get away with it!

  • Chris Garner - 10 years ago

    Art is capturing a vision in an artists mind. Photography is capturing the moment, therefore, any manipulation other than exposure correction is deception.

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