Do you think Comprehensive Sexuality Education should be available to young people?


  • Anjana Seira - 8 years ago

    I loved the article! I really think people should be more open about conversations regarding sex and maturation. I remember, once my mother caught me masturbating and she actually cried and looked at me like I was a huge sinner. It wasn't until I met my friend and talked to her about it, that I realized that it was totally normal. The worst thing of all is that we have seminars in school which are supposed to be giving sex education to students. Actual psychologists talk to us about that and they ACTUALLY say that maturation is a huge sin and extremely wrong. India is an extremely tough place to live in. I'm bisexual. Only my best friend knows about that. I'm going to live in the closet all my life because being bisexual is such a shocking thing that I think they'll try to get me to a psychologist to try to "cure" me of being bi. Also, what the hell is up with all the body shaming and slut shaming in India? If a girl wears a short dress, she's a slut. If a girl hangs out more with boys than girls, she's a slut. Honestly, I can't wait to get out of this country.

  • Amar thakur - 8 years ago

    Hats off to u girl....u nailed it...

  • anjali - 10 years ago

    It was a awesome article...Yes, being a girl we must have the option, he must have respected her opinion and should have agreed in the first NO..but what the girl did was completely right..
    And yes, sex-education must be made compulsory in schools.Its good to know about it.Rather than knowing it from friends.Sex-awareness must be done in every nook and corner of this country.

  • rachna mishra - 10 years ago

    In this 21st century in which we are leaving and also so called MODERN society where modernity hS LIMITED up to dressing styles ,civilized behaviour and civilized dialogues which are of no worth at all. People talk all kind of shitt with each other but where there comes SEX, people who even might be doing it under covers or all alone gives expression like what a shitt someone has said
    If today we all are gonna not change then when till we will takw SEX's subject as ataboo it will remaiin a taboo so wake up ur mind don't limit ur modernity and talk about it

  • pratik - 10 years ago

    its better to know from education rather than from porn

  • Remanika - 10 years ago

    Brilliant post, ShamWoohoo! I have been annoyed by this perpetuation of ideal body images for so long (practically my whole life). And the lack of clothing options available to plus size women. I have walked into so many stores, picked up something that I like, only to be told by the unsympathetic salesperson that it's not available in my size. And not just this, some of them look at me judgementally, questioningly, as if someone like me had no right to be in a store which only caters to a certain body type.
    Of course, this is just one of the more practical issues that I have come across in the past. There are also more deep-rooted problems, like society constantly telling us that we need to look like the women in magazines and advertisements. I have seen men (and women) gawking appreciatively at 'ideally-shaped' women wearing anything that shows off their legs, their cleavage. But these same people will point and snigger when they see a plus size woman wearing the same clothes. There is something so fundamentally wrong with that (apart from the gawking). Why should someone not have the right to wear what they want to without being shamed? Why do they need approval from others?

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