Should it be illegal to declaw cats?


  • jessica humphries - 9 years ago

    I bet the main people voting no are money hungry vets.... seriously people? You make me sick.... the people who voted no... ill sick my cats on you to claw your eyes along with your "precious" furniture... cats are not trophies to be displayed in your house with no toys or scrstching posts with only a litterbox. And people wonder why they are tearing up their furniture? The poor things are bored, so you punish them by taking their claws out? What the hell? How is that humane? Dont spend money on a loving creature only to give it no attention,toys or scratchposts. Cat clawed your kid? MORE THAN LIKELY the kid pushed kitty too far... pretty sure youd go off on someone constantly messing with you too... there are SO MANY othet options for kitty than to declaw... and you wanna know why most people declaw? LAZINESS..

  • Martina - 9 years ago

    The argument "to enable cats to have a home" or "protect them from abandonment" is the most stupid ever. If that were the case, cats in the countries where declawing is illegal (Great Britain, Germany, Australia, Israel and many more), would all have no homes.
    But they do have homes! And they have their claws!!
    Why do people in the US/Canada not manage to give a normal cat with claws a home???
    Why take their claws away?! It's unnatural and unnecessary!
    Ban this procedure everywhere, it's a total mutilation!!
    I only accept it for the reason of removing a tumor in the paw or other deseases, but all other reasons are nonsense!

  • Katie Kane - 9 years ago

    Everyone who thinks declawing is okay needs to check out the Paw Project. There are a lot of behavioral problems that result from declawing and the cats develope painful joint and back problems due to the removal of the bone in their paw.

  • Katherine Trudahl - 9 years ago

    Why isn't this 100% to 0%? What's wrong with you sadists? Ban declawing. Duh.

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