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Are you less likely to watch The Academy Awards after the lack of diversity in the major categories?

Total Votes: 1,838

  • Donna - 10 years ago

    What happened to Annie and Selma! Are you guys really that prejudice that you would resort to such ignorance? And to let the younger generation see how evil and racist you are should be shameful to you. Selma and Annie were fantastic movies and very well presented. And Annie was knocked out of the box because that young girl (Quanz) was superb! Jamie Foxx was excellent also. To ignore Selma and the talent of the gentleman that was playing "MLK" is letting us know someone in the Oscars is practicing the "KKK" moves. Hating in this era is ridiculous. You should be fair and acknowledge talent when it is presented. I feel so let down at this time. People need to be re evaluated and taught that afro americans do count and should not be eliminated from the Oscars because someone with a "little ignorant mind" feels threatened by someone that is Black. Think about it and get rid of the "infested shoulder angel"!!!

  • jnik - 10 years ago

    I'm straight so I don't watch awards shows!

  • Rhonda Summers - 10 years ago

    Hollywood doesn't recognize any race but there own so l dont waste my time watching their awards when l can be watchin something like Empire !!!!

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