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You are offered 13 Luna Episodes (in season 5), but never another Luna episode in future seasons. Would you take it?

Total Votes: 11,427

  • Foxtrack - 10 years ago

    I say no, because though I love Luna and all, 13 episodes in one season would burn anyone out, and I want Luna to continue to be seen and have an episode about her in future seasons.

  • Fluttershy - 10 years ago

    No, Because I dont like luna, Im fine with 1-2 episodes in a season, but 13 in 1 season would just ruin all of season 5.

  • Joshua - 10 years ago

    Man, you guys must REALLY hate Luna. Is it because of that Nightmare Moon incident?

  • Sollace - 10 years ago

    Somehow I thought that was saying they were going to offer 13 Luna plushies...

    I'm still going to say no. All these people saying the show won't last long enough to get more Luna episodes; let's not forget Hasbro is probably going to milk this for as long as possible. Bring on Season 12! And after that we get the reboots and the, acceptable but never as good as the original, spinoff series's!

  • Time Lord - 10 years ago

    Every one here should say yes... why? Because the amount of episodes per season with Luna in them so far has been approximately 1.3 soooo ya one season with 13 episodes in it. In a show that's estimated to have only 8 seasons that will be made is better then 10.4 episodes that would be made if you did not say yes....

    Twilight-"Monitor EVERYTHING!!!"

  • Hawkx1 - 10 years ago

    I'm all for Luna episodes but around half of Season 5 revolving around Luna is a bit too much Luna for me

  • Hat - 10 years ago

    13 Luna episodes but not ruling her out of more episodes.

  • Tobias.O - 10 years ago

    That is THE worst idea this fandome can come up with.
    Sure maybe one more Luna episodes but 13 is 12 to many.
    The show have 6 main characters that should have more development in them i say focus on those six tasks instead of branching off and do pointless stuff.

  • Strickerx5 - 10 years ago

    Yes, because let's be honest here. No background pony is ever going to get that many even if the show runs for another 5 seasons.

  • Mel Syreth - 10 years ago

    One time I check on EQD and the poll is this... I'm not even surprised by this point, just rolling my eyes.

    I'm glad they added "I don't even like Luna." to the list though.

  • don - 10 years ago

    Have Luna go into the other characters dreams for an episode or two,
    Spikes--- XXX Rarity
    AJ --- Apples apples apples apples
    Dashie ---Aerobatics, crash
    Pinkie----Acid trippin with out the drugs
    Fluttershy---extroverted pervert "Come here Big Mac you giant piece of horse flesh!"
    Rarity---Spinster nightmare settles for Spike or becomes a crazy cat pony "meow"
    Twilight----Magilogical nightmare
    Big Red---Eeyep ?? Eenope??
    Like for whom the Sweetie Belles toil on steroids..

  • Discord Sparkle - 10 years ago

    The single Luna episode so far was terrible, but that was Pinkie's fault instead of Luna's. Still, making half a season be about a single side character would just be a terrible idea

  • GoDotiego - 10 years ago

    13 entire episodes in one season to be centered around Luna? No way. It would get boring and annoying. But considering we've only had one episode about her so far, I might be open to the idea of just one episode. After all, good things are best when they're a Rarity.

  • Ender1200 - 10 years ago

    No more Luna in future seasons? This is a price I cannot pay!

    In all seriousness though Even though Luna is best pony I don't really think you could get 13 episodes out of her. At least not in the current show format.

    Also the fact that every episode of the show focus on differnt pony is a major reason why I love the show so much.

  • JoJo the Hobo - 10 years ago

    Sounds bleak. Say the bait is taken; despite the pleasure of knowing that dated, over-hyped alicorn will be brought down a peg after this hypothetical season, we'd have to suffer 26 bloody episodes of nothing but Luna. I seriously doubt the writers can develop a season's worth of ideas for ONE CHARACTER, let alone maintain consistency between all those participating.

    I'm gonna say "no". Because even after the season comes to an end, she would still be around for episodes that focus on other characters. That's too goddamn much Luna.

  • Konami - 10 years ago

    I had to click "other", because I disagree with the idea but for different reasons than seem to be implied by clicking the "no" button. I'm all for 13 guaranteed Luna episodes - given the current rate, it's unlikely that we'd get an that many naturally before the series ended - but having that many in just one season is all but guaranteed to result in Luna Toxicity. I mean - even including the obligatory two-parter premiere and finale, the farthest each Moonbutt could be spaced apart is one every second episode - I seriously doubt that anyone would *not* be sick of her by that time.
    Wow. Words really do get away from me sometimes, don't they? I guess I'll just wander off now before I write another short essay.

  • Deeayen - 10 years ago

    Maybe not 13 episodes for Luna, maybe 3 per season based on Celestia and Luna.

  • Derrath - 10 years ago

    Personally, Celestia is way more interesting as a character to me then Luna is. I'd rather see a few Celestia episodes than Luna episodes, though seeing an episode focused on the sisters would be fine as well.

  • Saucy Cup of Tea - 10 years ago

    You guys are crazy. Logically, there will not be 13 more Luna episodes over the life of the show, unless there is something like 13 more seasons. I mean, we've only gotten very few Luna episodes so far. DON'T DENY ME THIS HYPOTHETICAL MOONBUTT

  • Kiosfriend - 10 years ago

    I hit Yes!...assuming you mean entire episodes based on Best Princess and she can be in other episodes, but she can no longer be the focus of any episode. My answer also assumes we don't get like 100 seasons or something ridiculous like that where most everypony else will be able to get a TON more episodes than Luna was ever able to.

  • Frith - 10 years ago

    So the idea is to have Luna lose a poll? Crafty.

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