Are You Attending Church Services Less Than Before?


  • Tina McAfee - 6 years ago

    Our church’s solution is to require you to come 4-5 times a week. If you don’t you’re backslidden in your heart. We have less time to take care of our families and much more time to take care of the church. This can’t be right. The place I used to love to go to learn about Jesus is becoming a burden.

  • Rhonda - 6 years ago

    Our church is doing other things like outreach, dinners for 8, or 5th Sunday night off. I do not agree with any of this. Outreach on another night so they can come on Sunday night. Off just because “we’ve been so busy”. If the church is too busy in other things it’s time to cut these things out if there’s no church service schedule on Sunday night. No excuse and this is a full gospel Pentecostal Church. We have been sick and have a dread on the sundays we go. I say that because my husband is an evangelist so we he’s not out preaching we go to our home church. We have actually driven 3 or more hours to go somewhere else when he’s not scheduled anywhere just to get into a real church service where the spirits moving is definitely encouraged. So very sad. I can only imagine how our Lord feels.

  • Debbie - 7 years ago

    I didn’t leave the church. The church left me. I had to leave so that I could keep my faith ( Isaiah 52:11 and Second Corinthians 6:14-18.

  • Virginia La Salle - 7 years ago

    We have brought church outside the four walls on a regular basis... We are following the mandate of the Lord just set up “prayer tents” among the least of these… Which are now raising up and becoming family! On Facebook 100 Prayer Tents Movement

  • Virginia La Salle - 7 years ago

    We have brought church outside the four walls on a regular basis... We are following the mandate of the Lord just set up “prayer tents” among the least of these… Which are now raising up and becoming family! On Facebook 100 Prayer Tents Movement

  • Lambskinny - 9 years ago

    I no longer attend church with the exception of lauds and mass at a local Abbey because Church attendance makes me feel isolated, depressed and totally dissatisfied.

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