Do you miss Ariana and Nathan's relationship?


  • Britney - 10 years ago

    They were hot together I mean FR rn. I mean if I had a relationship that perfect I would just have to stay in it frfr. Well bye haters

  • Rachael Hampton - 10 years ago

    I think nariana!!! Because they look so cute together and I don't think that neither one of them cares what people think about them they should get back together and be happy!!! Because it will make there fans happy!!!!! I do care if anyone emails or talks bad about my choice it's just your opinion no one else's and no one can tell me what I can and what I can't post so get over it... Not your choice it's mine!!!

    But yea they need to get back together because she is an amazing singer and dresses really cool... Nathan is very hot and I love his voice too so they should definitely get back together because if they don't then she will be sad and be hurt... Trust me girls get hurt easy they act like it don't bother them but in the inside it hurts... But yea I think that should!!!!

    That's all I got to say about this!!!
    Rachael!! :) ❤️

  • Jared - 10 years ago

    Eewww no. I ship Sean & ari

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