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What Should Chevy's New EV Be Called?

Total Votes: 170
1 Comment

  • Gabriel cruz - 10 years ago

    In a new ev driver and no I don't own a volt but I have a leaf I've always been told to go with chevy but the volt was just to expensive for me and it loses value fast according to our friends at KBB (Kelly Blue Book) you should make this car something that the volt wasn't, a car of value and the name should be a name that makes even the hipsters of today be proud to say I have a Chevy " " it's obvious that nissan is owning the ev market with the leaf so the new ev should be something that has to be marketable. Name wise I say the Chevy EVO ---> Electric Vehicle Operation not like the HTC EVO but it just sounds cool like hey I drive and EVO sound good

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