Crutchley's decision has to rank up there with one of the all-time stupidest business decisions ever. To make a donation to a Republican and then to defend it in the gay press by defiantly insulting liberals, when your customer base is near 100% vehemently anti-Republican is just plain stupid business practice. For that kind of stupidity alone he deserves to lose money. However, I respect his right to have a contrary political opinion, or to what I perceive to be common sense. Unfortunately there are millions of Americans who don't understand the issues at stake when they punch the hole next to "R" candidates. We have poor people in rural and suburban areas voting "R" in mass even though the policies generated by "R" candidates take money and benefits out of their pockets and give it to the rich. They do it mostly because they are blinded by the "R" discursive tactics, joyfully amplified by corporate media, that have painted them as protectors of morality: "Vote for us and we'll protect you from the homosexuals!" We have to accept that on the other side of the issue there are homosexuals who care more about tax cuts for the rich than they do about civil rights for queer individuals. They will vote "R" in most cases because they weigh what is important to them and their lives and decide money (or more accurately maybe, not giving money to the poor) is more important than whether they can join the military, marry in all 50 states, or be protected in employment. A Massachusetts gay Republican has it pretty good. He can marry, he is protected in employment, and in general has all the basic civil rights as anyone else. So it shouldn't be surprising that a rich gay man in MA is going to care more about money than civil rights. Even if his excuse that McCain is somehow going to make us safer is accurate, he has this right to make the decision and I'm not going to berate him for it. To me, he's just another ignorant American that would rather vote against his own needs rather than educate himself on the issues OR he's just plain greedy. But I'm not going to call him names or call him a traitor or anything like that. I'm just going to reward one of the stupidest business decisions of all time with the proper response: I'm canceling my membership. I do want to say one more thing in response to Muslguy above and to all the other men on various blogs who are claiming somehow that Manhunt is a bad thing. Manhunt is nothing more than a reflection of how important sex is to the American male--gay or straight. It is not somehow degrading gay culture or bringing the gay community to ruin. Manhunt, and similar sites, simply take the same sex (and dating) practices that would happen regardless of the existence of the internet and places them in an internet context. All of those touting the need to get off the internet for sex and join the gay community really need to take a minute to look at what the gay community is. It's a very loose patchwork of mostly-homosexual individuals that have almost nothing in common as a whole other than their sexual desire for the same gender. We'd like to think that common causes like the fight for civil rights binds the community together, but in reality the glue is sex desire. Unlike racial minorities or any other minority our glue is sex desire not a common culture that somehow needs to be preserved at all costs against the evils of Manhunt and other sites. Personally I would much rather use the internet to meet someone than go to a gay bar (let's admit it, bars still are the centers of gay "culture") to meet someone who is likely drunk, on drugs, or somehow caught up in a lifestyle I have nothing in common with. And besides, since when did the gay movement/culture become against the freedom of sexual expression? Claiming somehow that Manhunt is more responsible for the spread of HIV is ridiculous. Do you not think that casual sex (possibly in even more anonymous forms) wouldn't exist without Manhunt? Get real
rd - 16 years ago
I agree with many of the above posters, Crutchley is certainly entitled to give to whomever he pleases, be it McCain or one of Dobson's or Reverend Phelps' groups. When McCain took up the platform of the religious right, he not only lost my respect, he became no different in my eyes than the homophobes who would roll back any and all progress on gay rights and send us all back into the closet of fear and loathing. That is what Crutchley is supporting, in my eyes. I have no love for the clonish, hedonistic gay subculture, but I have no respect for gays that rebel against the subculture by enabling those who wish to destroy us. And that is what you self loathers are doing. Peace.
George - 16 years ago
I am so sick and tired to gay men just putting aside the fact that Manhunt's owners prefer McCain who couldn't give a cat's ass if gay's perish. Like all disgusting Republican's it's the dollar and nothing else. I had to listen to a bunch of old farts bad mouthing Obama at the Rage in West Hollywood. That bar caters to a bunch of closet Republican's who would turn their backs if Gay were purged from society. Like the man who kept silent while others were taken away and killed, hoping he would not be the next victim, and when his time there was no one protect him. Those who continue to use Manhunt are traitor's to the Gay Community--sex is more important.
Mike - 16 years ago
Jonathan "Old Goat" Crutchley can do whatever he wants with his money - but then again, so can I... and that's exactly what I did just moments ago by canceling my membership / profile.
Greg - 16 years ago
I cancelled mine as well. I am not acting dumb, but as a responsible gay person. When I joined I gave MY money to a gay business that I thought supported the gay community. Apparently I assumed wrong, therefore I cancelled my subscription. I am ignorant to the fact that there was profit involved..duh... it is a business..but my money will not help anyone support anti-gay bias in anyway. If you are unable to see that, then shame on you.
I went back to Looks like that's where the herd is heading.
It's not so much he gave money to a Republican, but he gave gay money to an anti-gay crusader. It's just not right.
keith - 16 years ago
in my opinion, i think he should be able to give his own money to whomever he wants, and these few that dropped out of manhunt are just acting dumb, and i can almost be certain that they will be back real soon. i dont give 2 shits where he gives his own money, let him,
Stephen - 16 years ago
"Why is it so difficult to understand that there are Republican Gays."
Because that's like being a Catholic Jew ... or a black member of the KKK ... or a fucking self-loathing closeted homophobe.
JB - 16 years ago
Cancelled mine when this story first leaked out, I agree with muslguy4u2 these scum bags have made millions off the backs of gay men, what they choose to do with it is their right, but that does not mean I have to continue to use their "product" now that the story is out. Thanks express for putting this out there for the public to see and then make an informed choice of wheather or not to continue Manhunt. I cancelled all of on-line memberships and I'm going to be going back to the good ole meeting someone in person in public, the net is old and too many flakes anyway. Its time for a change.
muslguy4u2 - 16 years ago
I don't know who the bigger fool is ....
The manhunt head who thinks the republicans are going to make his life easy ...
or the Republican party for accepting the money .....
Wouldn't it make great reading to find out McCain suports gays .... by taking our contributions ....
As far as that slimeball manhunt head...he propogates free sex by giving away bathhouse tickets .... and pockets those dollars from manhunt to line his pockets deep ... while the horny dudes go into these bathhouses and possibly get infected ...and drain our tax dollars by feeding off the system...
Manhunt is nothing but a sex pickup line .... the quicker it goes down...the more everyone can get back into the real world where meeting up isn't done over the web with someone showing up at your door .... to consummate the sex act... but goes thru the motions of meeting people outside, possibly connecting and then goin on with their thing....
brettboston - 16 years ago
Charlie Mac, why is it so difficult for YOU to understand what I wrote? Crutchley can give his money to whomever he wishes, but he will no longer have mine to do it with. That is not hard to fathom, is it? I can understand why there are gay republicans, what I can't understand is your narrow minded lables of using stereotypes to box someone up who does'nt think like you do. I take exception to your stereotypes and find your labling so misinformed.
Charlie Mac - 16 years ago
Why is it so difficult to understand that there are Republican Gays. Just because we all share a same sex attraction does not mean that we all must idolize Cher, watch “Will and Grace,” shave our nuts or Vote for a particular man or a particular party. In the bigger picture, there are far more important issues to be concerned with than gay rights; and military affairs are one of those things. You were (are) free to spend your money as you see fit… once you purchased your membership/porn from Mr. Crutchley, it was NO LONGER your money. He did not donate your money, but his. He earned that money from you by providing you a service that you saw fit to purchase. Maybe it’s easier for me to see it this way because “being gay” is not the all defining element of who or what I am.
Ryan B. - 16 years ago
Right on Brett. I canceled mine today. The Sept. issue of OUT magazine reported that Manhunt brings in over $30 million a year in revenue. Just how much of that money is being funneled to Anti Gay causes? It sure makes me want out. Thankfully Huffington Post exposed these folks.
brettboston - 16 years ago
Crutchley can donate his money to anyone he wants to and he should, HOWEVER he is NOT going to use MY money to do it with. I am DONE with Manhunt. Crutchley resigning as Chairman of the Board of Manhunt does NOT mean he resigned from the board. This is a sketchy operation when our money lines his pockets to line McCains. Lots of RED flags.
David Smoot - 16 years ago
I cancelled my membership when it became clear that the ManHunt administration valued money over members.
Furthermore, the exectutive's opinion that military affairs were higher priority than human rights are especially frustrating to those of us discharged from military service for being gay.
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Crutchley's decision has to rank up there with one of the all-time stupidest business decisions ever. To make a donation to a Republican and then to defend it in the gay press by defiantly insulting liberals, when your customer base is near 100% vehemently anti-Republican is just plain stupid business practice. For that kind of stupidity alone he deserves to lose money. However, I respect his right to have a contrary political opinion, or to what I perceive to be common sense. Unfortunately there are millions of Americans who don't understand the issues at stake when they punch the hole next to "R" candidates. We have poor people in rural and suburban areas voting "R" in mass even though the policies generated by "R" candidates take money and benefits out of their pockets and give it to the rich. They do it mostly because they are blinded by the "R" discursive tactics, joyfully amplified by corporate media, that have painted them as protectors of morality: "Vote for us and we'll protect you from the homosexuals!" We have to accept that on the other side of the issue there are homosexuals who care more about tax cuts for the rich than they do about civil rights for queer individuals. They will vote "R" in most cases because they weigh what is important to them and their lives and decide money (or more accurately maybe, not giving money to the poor) is more important than whether they can join the military, marry in all 50 states, or be protected in employment. A Massachusetts gay Republican has it pretty good. He can marry, he is protected in employment, and in general has all the basic civil rights as anyone else. So it shouldn't be surprising that a rich gay man in MA is going to care more about money than civil rights. Even if his excuse that McCain is somehow going to make us safer is accurate, he has this right to make the decision and I'm not going to berate him for it. To me, he's just another ignorant American that would rather vote against his own needs rather than educate himself on the issues OR he's just plain greedy. But I'm not going to call him names or call him a traitor or anything like that. I'm just going to reward one of the stupidest business decisions of all time with the proper response: I'm canceling my membership. I do want to say one more thing in response to Muslguy above and to all the other men on various blogs who are claiming somehow that Manhunt is a bad thing. Manhunt is nothing more than a reflection of how important sex is to the American male--gay or straight. It is not somehow degrading gay culture or bringing the gay community to ruin. Manhunt, and similar sites, simply take the same sex (and dating) practices that would happen regardless of the existence of the internet and places them in an internet context. All of those touting the need to get off the internet for sex and join the gay community really need to take a minute to look at what the gay community is. It's a very loose patchwork of mostly-homosexual individuals that have almost nothing in common as a whole other than their sexual desire for the same gender. We'd like to think that common causes like the fight for civil rights binds the community together, but in reality the glue is sex desire. Unlike racial minorities or any other minority our glue is sex desire not a common culture that somehow needs to be preserved at all costs against the evils of Manhunt and other sites. Personally I would much rather use the internet to meet someone than go to a gay bar (let's admit it, bars still are the centers of gay "culture") to meet someone who is likely drunk, on drugs, or somehow caught up in a lifestyle I have nothing in common with. And besides, since when did the gay movement/culture become against the freedom of sexual expression? Claiming somehow that Manhunt is more responsible for the spread of HIV is ridiculous. Do you not think that casual sex (possibly in even more anonymous forms) wouldn't exist without Manhunt? Get real
I agree with many of the above posters, Crutchley is certainly entitled to give to whomever he pleases, be it McCain or one of Dobson's or Reverend Phelps' groups. When McCain took up the platform of the religious right, he not only lost my respect, he became no different in my eyes than the homophobes who would roll back any and all progress on gay rights and send us all back into the closet of fear and loathing. That is what Crutchley is supporting, in my eyes. I have no love for the clonish, hedonistic gay subculture, but I have no respect for gays that rebel against the subculture by enabling those who wish to destroy us. And that is what you self loathers are doing. Peace.
I am so sick and tired to gay men just putting aside the fact that Manhunt's owners prefer McCain who couldn't give a cat's ass if gay's perish. Like all disgusting Republican's it's the dollar and nothing else. I had to listen to a bunch of old farts bad mouthing Obama at the Rage in West Hollywood. That bar caters to a bunch of closet Republican's who would turn their backs if Gay were purged from society. Like the man who kept silent while others were taken away and killed, hoping he would not be the next victim, and when his time there was no one protect him. Those who continue to use Manhunt are traitor's to the Gay Community--sex is more important.
Jonathan "Old Goat" Crutchley can do whatever he wants with his money - but then again, so can I... and that's exactly what I did just moments ago by canceling my membership / profile.
I cancelled mine as well. I am not acting dumb, but as a responsible gay person. When I joined I gave MY money to a gay business that I thought supported the gay community. Apparently I assumed wrong, therefore I cancelled my subscription. I am ignorant to the fact that there was profit involved..duh... it is a business..but my money will not help anyone support anti-gay bias in anyway. If you are unable to see that, then shame on you.
I went back to Looks like that's where the herd is heading.
It's not so much he gave money to a Republican, but he gave gay money to an anti-gay crusader. It's just not right.
in my opinion, i think he should be able to give his own money to whomever he wants, and these few that dropped out of manhunt are just acting dumb, and i can almost be certain that they will be back real soon. i dont give 2 shits where he gives his own money, let him,
"Why is it so difficult to understand that there are Republican Gays."
Because that's like being a Catholic Jew ... or a black member of the KKK ... or a fucking self-loathing closeted homophobe.
Cancelled mine when this story first leaked out, I agree with muslguy4u2 these scum bags have made millions off the backs of gay men, what they choose to do with it is their right, but that does not mean I have to continue to use their "product" now that the story is out. Thanks express for putting this out there for the public to see and then make an informed choice of wheather or not to continue Manhunt. I cancelled all of on-line memberships and I'm going to be going back to the good ole meeting someone in person in public, the net is old and too many flakes anyway. Its time for a change.
I don't know who the bigger fool is ....
The manhunt head who thinks the republicans are going to make his life easy ...
or the Republican party for accepting the money .....
Wouldn't it make great reading to find out McCain suports gays .... by taking our contributions ....
As far as that slimeball manhunt head...he propogates free sex by giving away bathhouse tickets .... and pockets those dollars from manhunt to line his pockets deep ... while the horny dudes go into these bathhouses and possibly get infected ...and drain our tax dollars by feeding off the system...
Manhunt is nothing but a sex pickup line .... the quicker it goes down...the more everyone can get back into the real world where meeting up isn't done over the web with someone showing up at your door .... to consummate the sex act... but goes thru the motions of meeting people outside, possibly connecting and then goin on with their thing....
Charlie Mac, why is it so difficult for YOU to understand what I wrote? Crutchley can give his money to whomever he wishes, but he will no longer have mine to do it with. That is not hard to fathom, is it? I can understand why there are gay republicans, what I can't understand is your narrow minded lables of using stereotypes to box someone up who does'nt think like you do. I take exception to your stereotypes and find your labling so misinformed.
Why is it so difficult to understand that there are Republican Gays. Just because we all share a same sex attraction does not mean that we all must idolize Cher, watch “Will and Grace,” shave our nuts or Vote for a particular man or a particular party. In the bigger picture, there are far more important issues to be concerned with than gay rights; and military affairs are one of those things. You were (are) free to spend your money as you see fit… once you purchased your membership/porn from Mr. Crutchley, it was NO LONGER your money. He did not donate your money, but his. He earned that money from you by providing you a service that you saw fit to purchase. Maybe it’s easier for me to see it this way because “being gay” is not the all defining element of who or what I am.
Right on Brett. I canceled mine today. The Sept. issue of OUT magazine reported that Manhunt brings in over $30 million a year in revenue. Just how much of that money is being funneled to Anti Gay causes? It sure makes me want out. Thankfully Huffington Post exposed these folks.
Crutchley can donate his money to anyone he wants to and he should, HOWEVER he is NOT going to use MY money to do it with. I am DONE with Manhunt. Crutchley resigning as Chairman of the Board of Manhunt does NOT mean he resigned from the board. This is a sketchy operation when our money lines his pockets to line McCains. Lots of RED flags.
I cancelled my membership when it became clear that the ManHunt administration valued money over members.
Furthermore, the exectutive's opinion that military affairs were higher priority than human rights are especially frustrating to those of us discharged from military service for being gay.