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Poll Question: Where is the best pizza in Windsor?

Total Votes: 5,972

  • Rachelle - 10 years ago

    Wow! Lots of heated pizza arguments. Sounds like we have some real experts making comments. I guess Armandos must be slow enough for the staff to post comments about Naples. They should just have it out in a pizza brawl! First rule of Pizza Fight Club, Rolling pins allowed, but no pizza cutters! While they are fighting, I'll be eating Arcata. Make pizza, not war!!!

  • John - 10 years ago

    Sounds like there are many comments bashing Naples and Armandos. I would be my life that these comments have been submitted by employees of both businesses. If you want to have a smear campaign, get into politics. Shut your mouths and let people enjoy the pizza the like to eat! Mot everyone want to pay $30 for Armando's, some people like $5 hot n readys. I like Capri. I'll pay the extra.

  • Alex - 10 years ago

    I get Naples pizza from Lasalle every time and they always make the best pizza

  • Ray - 10 years ago

    Naples Pizza Lauzon has the best pizza.

  • Lisa & Tim - 10 years ago

    We are Pizza lovers and we do a lot of travel in the USA and Canada for work. Everytime we come home to windsor first thing we do is Order a Pizza pie! We never stick to only one place just because we love them all! But if I have to rate then from our personal experience (pizza twice a week) this is how we would do it
    #1- Arcata
    #2- Naples
    #3- Antoninos
    #4- Capri
    #5- Armandos
    That's our top five in order! The west coast pizza reminds me of a American style pizza, Thick and cheesy. You can't get Windsor Style pizza anywhere else outside of our city.

  • Donnie - 10 years ago

    Great battle !!!
    First off ,the two leaders going head to head are the best .
    They are completely different style pizza

    One is a thin crust crispy crust (Naples )
    Thick dowey deep dish style ( armandos )

    So there both winners in my books
    But I do tend to order Naples more often :)

  • The Star - 10 years ago

    Dan, how are you aware that there's new messages? We didn't install "Notification Allerts" in this page. The only way you are aware of it is from multiple voting. Thank you

  • Dan - 10 years ago

    Tammy I dont need to work at a pizza place , nore have I ever . I'm a electric engineer so saying that means I don't need a minimum wage job ! And on top of it all leave pizza cooking to the pizza places that don't cheep out on there ingredients !

  • Tammy Squire - 10 years ago

    Jackson, Donny and Dan I hope you guys are washing your hands after you text your comments Before you make the Pizza! It's obvious that these are the same people attacking their competition. GO fav!!

  • Jackson - 10 years ago

    Haha - I like how Enzo try's to rationalize Naple's use of non-Galati cheese... "so that they can customize the recepies to be differnt from everybody else". In other words, so that they can use a cheaper alternative. Nice try!

  • Donny - 10 years ago

    To Enzo Saputo: Did you read your comment? "... there are other LOCAL places outside of Windsor"?? Uh, places OUTSIDE of Windsor would make them non-local. Great logic bud. And that's the point Dan was making. Galati is local, and is of superior quality to that "NON-LOCAL" cheese that Naples uses. No thanks; I'll take the many quality pizza places in Windsor, that use locally-produced cheese over Naples, just like i'll take a Windsor built mini-van over any other! Bias decision means I am supporting Windsor.

  • Enzo Saputo - 10 years ago

    Dan, Galati does have a good quality product. But they aren't the only ones that have a good cheese. All the places that uses Galati have the same taste of cheese. Now there are other local places outside Windsor that make a great quality product but they can customize the recipes to be different with everybody else's and yet they use premium local products. Do your research Dan. Saying Chrysler mini Vans are better then GM minivans because they are made in windsor is a Bias Decision....

  • Dan - 10 years ago

    Naples ? Tonya u say Naples has quality ! If ur not making pizza with galati cheese ! There is no quality ! And if there is no quality in product there is no good tast ! There are lots of pizza places in town that have way better pizza then Naples !

  • Tonya - 10 years ago

    I have eaten at most of these places, Naples has the best quality and taste! Go Naples!!

  • Steve the great - 10 years ago

    Naples pizza sux ass ! I would rather order pizza from any place !

  • Mark - 10 years ago

    Where's Pizza Pizza? Dominos? Windsor pizza is to rich for my blood

  • Éva Maritima - 10 years ago

    I like armandos and all these Windsor pizzerias. But I Do have to say I love the crispness and the way they cook the pizza on the natural stones at Naples. Good luck to all of you....

  • Jezzel - 10 years ago

    Naples by far.....BEST BLT EVER!!!......BEST GARLIC BREAD.......!!!!!

  • Adrian - 10 years ago

    And Harrow NAPLES Rocks! BEST BLT Pizza ever!

  • Adrian - 10 years ago

    DUDE I rather get a messed up order then a crapy pizza!!!

  • Dude - 10 years ago

    Naples for real ! Nope every time the mess up my order !

  • Ryan - 10 years ago

    Is this even a real poll ? Naples all the way

  • Ermanna Filice - 10 years ago

    Naples is by far the best pizza in the Windsor area!!!

  • Rob - 10 years ago


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