Do you think Brauren was a cute couple?


  • I love5Hanthevamps - 8 years ago

    I know that this is a little late, but 5H and The Vamps are my favorite bands. To me they made a cute couple. I understood why they hid their relationship from us, but its also sad that we had to find out when they broke up. I hope that Brad and Lauren get back together.

  • Fifth_Harmony - 8 years ago

    Well that comment about lauren being a slut was just harsh she's not a slut she's only dated like 2 guys and tbh her and Brad didn't make a cute couple fifth harmony rules #harmonizer

  • Shanne - 8 years ago

    I like the vamps and the fifth harmony because thats my favorite band..
    Bradley and Lauren is a sweet and cute couple for me..i love them..I dont know thats on November,Bradley and Lauren was dating,at eight months i was shocked...We love you The Vamps and also the Fifth Harmony i hope all of you will be happy and be positive..We love you so much..muahhhh

  • love breadly - 9 years ago

    sorry for my english i come from german ;)

  • love breadly - 9 years ago

    i love breadly but i think they don't be together but i wish that he be happy

  • auntypurdypie - 9 years ago

    Pls.get back together

  • auntypurdypie - 9 years ago

    They are cute together because their my favorite band members

  • nessy diaz young - 9 years ago

    tbh they did say they were joking about the whole thing....but tbf i would of said the same thing about lauren i mean the whole group had ago at getting her and she is basically a slutty player i never liked them in the first place so whoop whoop to the vamps ;)

  • It is me again - 9 years ago

    If they really don't want each other again......."well it's fine". But if there is still a chemistry happening.., Hopefully they will get back together

  • JustME - 9 years ago

    I'm a fanaddict of The Vamps and great fan of Brad. It's just very sad to know that he is having a secret relationship without out his fans noticing and suddenly broke up. It's nice or even great fillin' when your idol finally in relationship and seems happy BUT when you noticed that they broke up and had some great argument ........:(

  • amelia - 9 years ago

    i wish they will get back together

  • xPrettyMehx - 9 years ago

    I didn't expect that realyy


    We hate 5h not the vamps.

  • Lauren - 9 years ago

    Or "CamrenShipper" they really love the vamps but hate fifth harmony?

  • CamrenShipper - 9 years ago

    I bet everyone who answered no is either a Camren shipper or they just really hate The Vamps

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