Aberdeen has been named 'Scotland's most dismal town'. Do you think it's fair?


  • Jon Symons - 10 years ago

    Aberdeen City Council has consistently failed the people of Aberdeen. They failed them in the sixties with St Nicolas House and on into the seventies with the destruction of a once vibrant George Street and the building of yet another concrete monstrosity. They cut the heart out of Aberdeen and in doing so sowed the beginnings of Union Street's steady decline to the wasteland it is today. The Marischal Square development is all about short term monies because our Council has consistently mismanaged 40 years of oil prosperity. They've failed in transportation, Haddigan was a joke in the seventies, never mind today. North Anderson Drive makes the M25 look good. We have a council fighting along party lines, baiting one another (see Willie Young's pathetic tweets) and the people of Aberdeen are the losers. It's both a shambles and a disgrace.

  • pete dubois - 10 years ago

    Aberdeen is a wonderful place to live with great parks and a vibrant community. Where else could you be in such amazing countryside inside 20 minutes ! The preservation of union terrace was a victory not a defeat, and i have full confidence that the awful proposals for land in the vicinity of the college will be rebuffed . ABERDEEN NEEDS MORE GREEN SPACES IN CENTRE OF CITY AND THIS IS A GREAT OPPORTUNITY WHICH SHOULD NOT BE MISSED. As for the idea that aberdonians are unwelcoming ,it simply isnt true; it's not a city to suffer fools gladly and its citizens will have a few opinions to spare, but as a progressive luddite , i wouldnt have it any other way!

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