Would you vote to approve the death penalty in Michigan?


  • Martha Bailey - 7 years ago

    The "so called death penalty" is nothing more than calculated, premeditated murder. I have to believe the majority of the people of Michigan are better educated and have more class than to back something so barbaric. Then the killers run the risk of killing someone falsely accused, I know some states, Texas, for example, don't care but I do think the people of Michigan are a cut above.

  • Russ - 8 years ago

    The thing about the death penalty is there are no repeat offenders.

  • Terrance Hall - 8 years ago

    DNA SUPPORTED CONVICTION of crimes of 1st degree rape or sodomization of a child should also be death penalty cases.

    If we bring it back it needs to be for all the right reasons, not merely a reaction to militant actions of a minority of the members of groups like Black Lives Matter or Muslims...

  • S Reinke - 8 years ago

    Anyone that has a life in prison sentence should qualify for the death penalty. Why should I have to pay for someone to live in a cage for life. They should also include sentencing to be carried out within 48 hours.

  • Jules - 8 years ago

    I'm with John.

  • Thomas - 8 years ago

    I would vote yes as long as its for 1st degree murder,kidnapping with rap and/or torture involved. When its charged 1st degree it shows theres no doubt person did act. So I believe in death penalty for them.

  • Ang - 8 years ago

    I'm curious to know why this is only for Police officers!?? This should be for ANY MURDER!!! If you ask me, Id throw the child molesters in too.

  • Ashley - 8 years ago

    You say that until you're an Innocent man, wrongfully convicted and put to death. When they learn the truth or convict the right man three years later, there's no coming back from that.

  • dave - 8 years ago

    and it should be carried out and celebrated in public. with no peaceful easy injection, save that for our pets. GIVE them the choice of gas chamber, beheading, or hanging. let are children watch to learn what PUT TO DEATH is

  • Roz - 8 years ago

    Yes! I've been saying this for Years! If you kill in Cold Blood,You Die! Period!!!! Why house the Coward's? It would make People Think before pulling the Trigger! Guns do Kill when Ignorant People have Them! Death Penalty Please!!!!!

  • Brooke - 8 years ago

    I agree with you John. That p.o.s. doesn't deserve a cot,food, water, or anything else , but the death penalty. He is a monster and needs to pay the ultimate price for his crimes. This poor babies.

  • Brian James - 8 years ago

    I'm opposed to capital punishment but if state misguiidingly decides to reinstate it we should also get rid of immunity for prosecutors judges and juries. They should be willing to pay with their lives fit mistakes or misconduct.

  • John - 8 years ago

    That psychopath that just killed his 4 kids and "ex-wife". This polls for you bud. Monsters who would take the lives of children and innocent people do not deserve to live. He deserves to die for the atrocities he commited

  • Jacob - 8 years ago

    Yes it should but the death penalty shouldn't be a chair or anything it should be the person is locked up and is not feed or given water so he or she may suffer because that's what they did to the community they made them suffer

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