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Would you approve the death penalty in Michigan?

Total Votes: 3,478

  • James - 10 years ago

    If the execution occurred days or even weeks after the crime, then yes, I would support the death penalty but only when there is no doubt whatsoever that the person committed the crime. Take them out into a field and put a bullet in their head
    these days there is so much of a delay and so much extra cost to the taxpayers that it's actually cheaper to coddle these scumbags for the rest of their lives than to execute them.

    That being said, there should be a third option. An option that should be instituted for most inmates.
    If they committed a violent crime such as murder / manslaughter / rape / etc...they should be used.
    Every inmate serving at least 2 years should have to donate blood as often as possible and a database created to find matches for bone marrow. Get something productive from these people.

    For the more heinous criminals...the ones who would normally get the death penalty, we should harvest what we can while still keeping them alive. Take a kidney, a lung, an eye (cornea). Anything that can be successfully transplanted.

  • Brian - 10 years ago

    The 10 southern states that practice slavery carry out 80% of the executions in America. Just let that sink in.

  • Jack o'lulz - 10 years ago

    The death penalty is a third world practice.

  • Steph - 10 years ago

    Lock THEM up. Not me.

  • Steph - 10 years ago

    States that have thendP are not more safe then those that don't. Our justice system is not perfect and too many people are being exonerated for crimes they did not commit. Lock me up and throw away the key. Let them rot In a cell if they are guilty.

  • Chris - 10 years ago

    Call me old fashioned but I think anyone who commits such a horrid crime should have the same punishment done to them, there would be a lot less crime in this country if the repercussions were greater! If a man rapes someone put him in a cage with the people that will do the same to him for rest of his life, if you kill someone firing squad it is, let's stop paying higher taxes just so these monsters can live very comfortably for free!!! It will make people think twice before they commit any crimes, this country is far to easy on people, and the hard working people have to pay for their crimes by shelling out more money every year just to house and feed them!!!

  • Rena - 10 years ago

    I think the death penalty should be legal in Michigan. I not only would vote it in, I would sign up to flip the switch. Violent people, people without morals to kill others should not be allowed to live.

  • Tammy - 10 years ago

    Yes we should have the death penalty. He/she that takes a live knowingly should not have a guarantee of having housing,food,medical etc.. Why should WE as law by citizens have to pay for there inhuman ways!

  • Chris m. - 10 years ago

    "Do unto others what you want done unto you." All guilty 1st degree murder criminals should get their death sentence regardless of who the innocent victim is...
    Guilty criminals should not get free housing, meals, clothing, education, entertainment, health care, etc. Reduce the $ million cost of death sentences. .... "...what you want done unto you"... clearly tells society the death penalty cost the guilty criminal should get done unto him/her.

  • Sheryl M. - 10 years ago

    There should be a death penalty for cases that are 100% proof positive like Steven Grant, the killers of Matthew Laundrie that were just in court now that there adults other wise like a good friend of my the late Bruce Peddler that both him and his co-worker were robbed leaving Mitch's Bar near downtown Detroit in Nov. of 1982 . It was a 19 year old that was out on $900 bond for arm robbing a truck driver. After robbing Bruce was shot 3 times in the chest at close range. Now that guy while in prison he married had kids & was moved to a minimum security prison then was let out. Mean while his passed cause he never got over what happened to Bruce that was a Bio-medical engineer @ Oakland General Hospital (the old Martin Place on Dequindre) his parents never saw Bruce marry or have children & he just turned 25. How many other cases are there like that? Many the death penalty might cut back on alot of killings that take place every year

  • Don - 10 years ago

    The majority does not rule in this "democracy " anymore, the minority go to court and have one judge turn over every democratic decision.

  • wayne - 10 years ago

    People say it's not human . but were they human when they killed.

  • slappy - 10 years ago

    "I'm all for the death penalty...As long as it's not too severe."

    Edith Bunker

  • Bryan L - 10 years ago

    Michigan should reinstate the death penalty! Not just for LEO's, but for any person that commits murder at all! Especially the sick, demented individuals that choose to abuse, neglect, and/or kill a baby/child or the elderly!

  • Katherine - 10 years ago

    Making someone rot in prison and think about their crime(s) day in and day out is a much worse punishment than killing them.

  • steve - 10 years ago

    Brad F costs more to execute someone????? Really are you sure about that statement???? Minimum costs for a prison inmate is 60k a year my friend!!!

  • steve - 10 years ago

    Hey Bob A. we are not talking 19 o shit here. DNA evidence is pretty much dead on now. Again get in this century and get a clue!!!

  • Judy Bradley - 10 years ago

    We should have it for people who abuse an kill babies an children. Our system is failing them an to many children suffer because all we do is put their killers in jail forever. How about a system u doe the way u killed someone. Let's put that women in a trash can at sub zero weather an starve her



  • Cj - 10 years ago

    I think the death penalty should be instituted for all violent crimes, not just those committed against law enforcement. That makes no sense.

  • Brad F - 10 years ago

    It costs more to put someone to death than it does to house them for life when you consider all the legal fees associated with the judicial process. Besides, why just cops? What about physicians, legislators, judges and prosecutors, teachers, engineers and housewives, are they less valuable to society than a cop?

  • Douglas - 10 years ago

    Michigan needs to seriously consider this. While I am aware, as many are, individuals have in the past been found innocent after being incarcerated. I am speaking to those situations where one confesses to a crime that resulted in the loss of life. I suspect the turnover of convictions will continue to be minimal as science advances in the field of DNA etc. Meaning convictions based on evidence that concludes beyond a shadow of a doubt one is guilty. Eye for an eye when the evidence is clear and concise.

  • jessica - 10 years ago

    We should have it for people who abuse an kill babies an children. Our system is failing them an to many children suffer because all we do is put their killers in jail forever. How about a system u doe the way u killed someone. Let's put that women in a trash can at sub zero weather an starve her

  • larry l. - 10 years ago

    as long as were not feeding them for 20 yrs.

  • Bob A. - 10 years ago

    Too many innocent people have been executed only to be cleared of the crime after the fact.

  • Mary Shopshear - 10 years ago

    This should not be for only those who murder police. This should apply to any murderer or anyone who abuses a child, including sexual assault on children. This law sends the message that one life is more important than another. If you kill someone, anyone, you should be executed.

  • steve - 10 years ago

    People need to wake up. Michigan needs the death penalty!!!

  • Don - 10 years ago

    This should not only apply to law enforment/peace officers - anyone that intentionally kills anyone (to include drunk drivers, because their actions were intentional that lead up to the event).

  • Ashley H - 10 years ago

    if a man/woman takes a life or harms a child they are useless to society. They do not deserve to be taken care of by the tax payers' dollars. This will help minimize over populated prisons and in cases where people are missing it may scare the dependent into speaking up sooner for a deal. We NEED the death penalty in Michigan. Too many innocent lives are taken just to see the killer go to jail and be housed and fed and given medical care on the victim's family's dollar.

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