Should Barack Obama comment on religious freedom in India?


  • nopes - 9 years ago

    Obviously even after The President says such stuff, the Indian Government has not even started to take an action against the religious conflicts I belive. So I am a PROUD INIDIAN but even India has its standards and I believe we can truly get to a higher standard than we are right now.

  • devang brahmbhatt - 10 years ago

    Dear Mr. Barrack Obama,
    ( President of USA )

    It was nice to have you in India & we appreciate you being our Guest.

    Now let's get back to business & not fiddle into each others daily affairs. The "Chai pe Charcha" is Over & start behaving like a President.

    If Indians would had be Intolerant, Today there would not had be:
    - A Country Called Pakistan
    - A Muslim Population in India More than Pakistan
    - 6 States where Hindus are today in Minority
    - Bangladesh Would had be the 30th State
    - Jaya Lalitha or Karunanidhi
    would had be the CM of Sri Lanka & Ten Singh on the Currency of Nepal.

    The Real Question.... Are Americans Tolerant ?

    - USA is the Only Country in the World to use Nuclear Bombs so far
    - US Destroyed 4 Islamic Countries as a Response of 9/11 attack & killed Millions of Muslims including women & children
    - USA has Dual Standards for Tibetians & Palestininas or Jerusalem or Kashmir
    - USA allows killings in Darfur. Libiya & Somalia, but are worried of North Korean Democracy because it has oil

    $ Why their is No Public Holidays in USA on Eid or Diwali, but only Christmas ?
    $ Why Sharia Law is not applicable in USA ?
    $ Why Sikhs are attacked for wearing Turbans ?
    $ Why Every Citizen is identified by their Race of Origin like " Afro American, Asians, Lattinos, " & why are all not Americans ?

    Don't get under pressure by Missionaries or So called Minorities to Make Comments for stray incidences in India/Delhi.
    FYI: We are 3 Times you Population living in 1/3rd area under One Govt, One Currency, One Constitution after 500 years of Invasions & Occupations & back to Worlds 3rd Largest Economy in just 67 Years.

    If we would lose Resilience. God Bless the Planet. We mean it & we know it, because we are here for Millions of years & will remain. It's proven now.

  • Rupam - 10 years ago

    Why do people even care about religion, which is just a lie!

  • Mizo - 10 years ago

    This is the split personality of Obama talking. He is half Muslim from his father's side.
    In this area of the world our neighbors have ethnically cleansed their populations and may now appear to be "tolerant".

  • sasa - 10 years ago

    May be Obama should read up on history and go by statistics, we are far more religiously tolerant today compared to when Gandhi was alive. On the contrary Gandhi would be much more happy of what we have achieved. There may be some distance to go but we have also achieved a lot. If POTUS is reacting to the media nonsense available now a days then probably we should invite him to stay in india for a year after his retirement so that he realises that what media portrays is not entirely the truth, and there is a lot more to the story than presented in the media. Only spending time here can one make for an opinion on india's religious tolerance,No second hand opinion can beat first hand experience.

    May be it is time for POTUS to truly realise that India is a vibrant democracy and everybody has a right to speak, sometime the same liberty is utilised by fringe groups also.

    "Maturity means entertaining a thought while not necessarily accepting it"

  • Amarjeet - 10 years ago

    What Obama said is correct. It is not only India, this virus is all over the world. Look at the ISIS but muslims do not come on the road to protest against their barbarism. They protest only when their loved one is killed or captured (Jordanian Pilot).
    At the same time the way some Hindutva people are conducting unasked for moral policing and other activities against other religions, thus future of Modi,s government is not bright. Remember what happened to Vajpayee's tenure. This is nothing but short sightedness. This kind of activities will not take India any where close to World Power.

  • gtraj - 10 years ago

    Religious civil riots /minor wars are very very easily inflamed and must be wrapped up to avoid loss of worthy lives, property and foreign investors. always listen to the advice OF THE American president. 2 Singh ignited the 1984 Delhi riots where thousand people were wounded/dead

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