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Do you think it's ok to spank kids, with conditions?


  • hernde - 10 years ago

    Why is it that everything that seems to get a larger percentage of acceptance in polls is deemed as incorrect or worthy of prohibition by those in "positions"? How is that a UN can have a committee that is trying to tell me what I can or cannot do to discipline my children? I have never abused my children, but I have spanked them. As a parent, I am thrilled that their teachers consistently tell us that our children are happy, well-behaved children. (Note: HAPPY!) I'm not a huge fan of the pope, but I agree with him on this one.

  • christine - 10 years ago

    Nothing wrong with a good old fashion spanking .More parents do it than you think.

  • christine - 10 years ago

    Nothing wrong with a good old fashion spanking .More parents do it than you tkink.

  • sue - 10 years ago

    You don't get it. In the Bible it says spare the rod spoil the child. Too many kids today would benefit from a quick smack on the bottom. Most especially if they curse at their parents or grandparents as I have witnessed so often. Children today (not all of them) are disrespectful, rude, all too willing to use expletives, and terms slaves fought for years to stop. Teachers are afraid for their lives, parents blame teachers for not "doing their jobs". Where are the parents today? If the kids are "out of their hair" it's good enough. So yes, the Pope is fully justified in saying what he said about spanking children. He didn't say beat them. And by the way, leave the sexual faux pa of the priests out of it. Not all priests were involved and the church is doing everything in its power to deal with its damaging effects, so let's just keep apples with apples and oranges with oranges because spanking has nothing to do with sexual abuse.

  • gene powers - 10 years ago

    Spanking was a big part of my childhood growing up. It taught me respect and if you get into trouble, you face consequences. Today's children do not.

  • Bob - 10 years ago

    The conditions are that spanking not be done in anger or out of frustration and should be a consequence understood by the parent and the child *before* the misbehavior occurs. "You know that if you do this, you will get a spanking." Obviously, this also means that the child is old enough to understand cause and effect. The spanking should also be metered and agreed upon depending on the infraction. "You get one swat for this and 3 swats for that."

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