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Do you think Amit Bornstein died of natural causes or he did he die from an excessive use of force inside the jail?

Total Votes: 1,210

  • E O - 10 years ago

    They suffocated him by strapping him to a chair and covering his face, thus preventing him from breathing. How is that a natural cause of death?

  • E. O - 10 years ago

    Only an idiot would look at that video and declare that he died from natural causes.

  • Kevin K - 10 years ago

    Arrested for minor charges? Drugs and robbery. Got to love the criminal loving press. Thousands of criminals go in out of that jail every year and this thug was picked out by correction officers for them to beat on. I don't buy it. This is a great learning experience for our kids - stay away from drugs and don't steal and if you do don't attack the men and women who are here to protect us from these animals.

  • James - 10 years ago

    I think he died as a result of his own actions. This article is written with a very obvious slant against the jail while trying to paint a picture of this guy as some sort of gentle giant. I love how they consider his offenses "minor". Last time I checked good, honest, decent, caring people don't steal things out of other people's cars! He is responsible for his actions as well as anything that results from them. Family is just looking for a quick payday before they go back to selling more blood diamonds.

  • latonya - 10 years ago

    i think he died from the officers excessive force!! this story brings tears to my eyes as i read it. it is clear the officers could have been more human in this case

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