Do you think Brian Williams’ credibility has been hurt by questions over tales he told of his exploits?


  • Rose - 10 years ago

    It's so unfortunate, but one "misremembered,.," could be forgiven but more than that truly ruins Brian's credibility in a job where the truth is imperative.I wqas astonished, however, how Tom Brokaw jumped in to discredit Brian when Brian was already down.As I understand it, Brian took Brokaw's coveted job at NBC, but Brokaw had appeared quite happy at home, taking yoga, eating nutritiously on Letterman, then he returns for specials.The quaint thing is Brokaw also had his triviality when he passed out in his dressing room, and admitting, "I took half an Ambien," when the paramedics arrived.Ambien is not taken during the day nor in halves.It is a sleeping pill, so Brokaw's sensitibilities appear to be vanishing as he states he had been "intimating" for the last year Brian's credibility.Just what is going on with these men who appear to have it all including the professional football players that they need to practice gratittude and stop being so greedy and dishonest battering women and deflating balls, spying, etc? One thing for sure, Savanah Guthrie will sink NBC even more should she be considered in Brian's place for her parading her pregnancy in numerous other shoes including her delivery date to the hospital and now her announcing the baby's six month birthday, unheard of just doesn't cut it.She may be a lawyer, but she lacks finesse and polish for the evening news.That whole bunch NBC neeed a life and replacing.Sad that we should be losing such good journalists with such shameful scandal.John Sossel, FOX would be a great replacement, but would NBC pay him what FOX does? It certainly save the network.

  • Donato Lombardi - 10 years ago

    Embellishing is not lying!! In our day-today conversations with friends and relatives, we tend to stretch the truth, exaggerate and dramatize. We merely want to impress others, show them you're a smart and well-spoken person. Others embellish stories, life experiences and dull, ordinary comings-and goings to make their audience or readers smile and feel better and cope with their lives. Brian Williams person-to-person style of reporting keeps me informed, and interested, making my experience of NBC Nightly News the highlight of my day. I like him, trust him and admire him. He's the best of all the major "News Anchors," and has the highest ranking among them. NBC would be making a colossal mistake if it lets him go or takes him off the news desk.

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