Should children be banned from school if they are not vaccinated due to religious or philosophical reasons?


  • organicdiva - 10 years ago

    The truth is finally being told about toxic vaccines. This is all about money. CDC recommends on their current schedule 19 doses of vaccines by/at the age of 6 months. Why? Human infants do not produce mature antibodies until 12 months... it's all about the money.

  • SusanFordKeller - 10 years ago

    Some facts you might not know. According to the article, "Big Pharma", on the web journal, DrugWatch, pharmaceutical companies spend $3.5 Billion dollars on ad buys and marketing each year. That's a lot of incentive for the media to not criticize pharma and their products. Pharma spent $2.7 Billion on lobbying expenses associated with their 1100 paid lobbyists in Washington, DC in 2012. Pharma contributes to the annual budget of the FDA, the very agency that is supposed to regulate the pharma industry.

    To see if your Senators or Congressman takes contributions from Pharma or from healthcare professionals (which includes pharmacists), google MapLight US Congress.

    In 1986, our lawmakers passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, under which vaccine manufacturers are immune from liability for any injuries or deaths resulting from their products. Doctors are also immune from liability. Incidentally, under this law, vaccines were deemed "unavoidably unsafe".
    Not coincidentally, the number of vaccines in the recommended schedule have skyrocketed since manufacturers got immunity from liability. Compare the 1983 vaccine schedule versus the 2015 vaccine schedule.

    The global vaccine market is a $33 Billion business and it is forecast to grow to $57 Billion by 2019. The pharmaceutical industry as a whole had $1 TRILLION in sales last year. In America, we pay higher rates for vaccines, drugs, and medical devices because Pharma has the right to set their prices without interference or regulation from our government. If you can't afford your meds. or devices call the manufacturer and haggle with them. They can afford it.

    If you're prolife, you might want to know that about 1/2 of vaccines today contain aborted human fetal cells. Google Children of God for life to find the list of vaccines which use aborted human fetal cells.

    If you're vegan or anti-cruelty, you can also find which use vaccines use animal cells on the Children of God for Life's list.

    Be aware also that hidden or undetected retroviruses contaminate many vaccines. The most famous example is the SV40 monkey virus that was in polio vaccines in the 1960s. Patients exposed to that contaminated vaccine are at significantly higher risk for some brain, bone, and lung cancers. Experts also have stated that that risk was passed on to children through mothers who'd had that vaccine. Approximately 98 million Americans are affected by SV40.

    Before you blindly sign off on any medical procedure, including vaccinations, read, read, read. A great resource for vaccine information is the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Institute for Vaccine Safety. You can read actual vaccine package inserts there. You can find out what ingredients are in each vaccine on the Vaccine Components Table.

    Also, be sure to read up on vaccine injuries on the vaccine compensation table on the Health Resources and Services Administration website.

  • Rachel Humphrey - 10 years ago

    If the ONLY way that you got things was through the unvaccinated children that that would be fine decisions to not allow them in school. But basicly the only way children get the disease is from either illegals who bring it in because we didn't block our boarder and they had it OR Vaccinated children who are shedding and we didn't prevent THEM from going to school WHILE they were shedding.

  • Richard Vaughn - 10 years ago

    Public school is free so if you don't want to vaccinat your kids then send them to a private school that allows that risk so parents know what there getting their kids into

  • pissed off american - 10 years ago

    the best way to beat disease is to KILL it where it lives...meaning clean drinking water, good farming practices, safe disposal of industrial waste, DESTROY human waste, and CLEAN hospital instruments...IF this is accomplished, "We the People" have a HUGE step in the right direction...
    this is NOTHING new...ancient Rome had that much figured makes NO sense to infect people to prevent sickness...

  • dr terri Gibbs - 10 years ago

    That is ridiculous....For many years kids have gone to school together regardless of whether they were vaccinated or not... These injections mess up the God provided immunity...What is wrong with people?????

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