Should city council put the public art program on hold?


  • Wayne - 10 years ago

    The cost of art by far outweighs its benefit, no matter how you look at it. The only ones gaining from this art slush fund are the artists, at the expense of taxpayers. The money could be much better used in the community to fund things that benefit many more people such as the homeless, children in need, and many other worthwhile pursuits.
    Or how about providing more funding for the Police or Fire Departments so they can create more full time jobs that serve the entire population. Maybe a couple of new snowplows and a few more workers with full time jobs to work at the city roads department.
    Any money spent on art is an absolute waste of taxpayer resources and should not even be considered until such a time as value for dollar can be established, which basically means never.
    Spending 400k on a big blue ring? Why? What value does it add compared to a couple fire fighters or police officers? The answer is zero because nobody cares about it, just like all the other wasteful art around this city paid for by the taxpayer.
    Spend taxpayer money on the things taxpayers need, not on things that you want.

    The test for spending taxpayer money is simple - here's an example - do we need a bridge here - yes - ok, we'll spend the money - will the bridge still do exactly what it was designed to do without the blue ring? yes - then the blue ring is not needed so you don't spend our money on it. Substitute fish for big blue ring and you'll get the same answer.

  • Irvine - 10 years ago

    Public art is not essential to anyone except to those who create it. This council and mayor need to realize this is not a necessity but a luxury. We are constantly on the hook for tax increases year after year and while this is a small cost in the overall scheme it is never-the-less a very unnecessary cost.

  • Jim martens - 10 years ago

    There seems to be a disconnect between what is essential and what we want, we constantly hear that we have to raise taxes to pay for our essential services, yet we have money to spend on these types of projects. It is time to live within our means get the essential services running efficiently and then and only then look at funding the want items if the funds allow or the populace agree to raise taxes to fund these want items.

  • Jim martens - 10 years ago

    There seems to be a disconnect between what is essential and what we want, we consonantly hear that we have to raise taxes to pay for our essential services, yet we have money to spend on these types of projects. It is time to live within our means get the essential services running efficiently and then and only then look at funding the want items if the funds allow or the populace agree to raise taxes to fund these want items.

  • Stephanie - 10 years ago

    I believe if there is extra money to spend it should be put towards homeless people,people in need,single parents and the food bank. It is unfair to c algarians to have money spent that doesn't help every citizen. Art doesn't help people in need

  • Shirley - 10 years ago

    There are numerous more important things to spend money on than public art. Roads, homelessness, low cost buildings for the working poor and the list goes on. When the more important things are taken care of then, and only then, should money be spent on things like public art. You don't need art to make a beautiful City.

    Thank you.

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