How large of a problem do you perceive food insecurity to be in Southwest Austin?

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  • Calvin Montgomery - 10 years ago

    I worked in the heart of the East side of Austin for many years. I never saw a starving, or even close to it,person. There is a small minority of people that are actually needy. The rest just use & abuse the liberal system. A fellow employee, my Supervisor at the time, offered me some food stamps ( this was back when they were still in use) I declined & asked where he got them since he made good money. He said his Aunt gives them to other family members. I was taken back when he said this was just a way of life in the Hispanic community, they grew up with it & fully expected it when they reached adulthood, whether they need it or not. I believe the welfare system in this state & country is abused & defrauded & needs a complete overhaul.

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