Biggest driving pet peeve


  • John Croteau - 9 years ago

    Failure to enforce the keep right to pass signs, which are so prevalent and yet have been ignored for years, is in keeping with the overall state of our local and provincial highway's. Overlooked and neglected.

  • J Dawson - 9 years ago

    A good many years ago when I was in my twenties and drove a high performance car my pet peeve was slower drivers who impeded me. Older now and with less of a lust for speed my peeve is directed at inconsiderate drivers who pay little heed to other road users. The most significant road sign in my book is the one that directs us to share the road.
    There is a great range of drivers, from the aggressive super macho to the anxious newbie having just scaped through a driving test and facing the stampede of city commuting. Clearly their decision making, reaction time and interpretation of the rules will not be identical. Vehicles that share the road have a wide ranges too. I have a small car, a RV and a bicycle all of which I drive and ride in a different way my consistency being that I do try to be aware and concerned about other road users . It doesn't always work though . The other day I was in my car on a dark night with driving rain on a winding road with no markins and an indeterminate edge. I was driving below the speed limit with my eyes concentrating on the right edge of the road, such as it was, but it was not good enough for the driver who was taligating me and flashing his high beams impatiently. I let him pass at the first opportunity, figuring that it would be easier to follow than to lead in such circumstances. Strangely, once he was faced with the lead he was even slower than I was. Yes. I resisted the temptation to flash my lights at him.

    It's really quite simple, let's share the road.

  • Lyn Jaquish - 9 years ago

    Texting, cell phone users and dawdling left lane hogs are my biggest complaints...not enough policing for this...I live in Summerland and drive to Penticton, where Hwy.97 rarely has a cop car around. Help..get on it!

  • B. P. H. - 9 years ago

    Make all the laws you want we have hundreds of laws that people ignore every day,left lane hogs , speeders ,talking or Texting while driving,not stopping at stop signs and my all time Favourite running a red light while speeding and using your cell phone. What we do not have is people to police every one what needs to be put into place is cameras at every major intersection in the province ? Cameras work 24 hours a day no pensions no sick days and with the quality of Today's equipment you can Identify the driver and see the cell phone and I'm sure a piece of equipment to monitor speed could be attached a triple threat to the thousands of drivers every day that run red lights.
    The highways could be monitored in the same manner the eye in the sky works at all hours.
    I myself will not leave a light as soon as it turns green I always check for the two or three drivers who are running the Intersection and believe me it happens on average of at least twice a day on my commute and I only have 5 light controlled Intersections before I get on the highway.
    On the highway we have people who will pass on either shoulder to get ahead by one or two cars ,the only police present are usually at an accident to little to late?
    What has happened to the quality of the people who test new drivers many people DO NOT understand the rules of the road,people who pass the drivers test now seem to have Zero understanding of LAWS and the rules of driving.

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