Do you agree with council's decision to reject Jesus flag at City Hall?


  • Liz Hotz - 10 years ago

    Re Alex: Its interesting that we still swear on a BIBLE in the courtroom to tell the truth as per the ten commandments. We also have a separate school board that was created by law makers. Which divides our children into 2 groups. So our forefathers forced that divide on everyone for eternity. So have we really separated church and state? Or will we ever? If flying that flag helps 1 person to ask about who and what Jesus did and lead a better life, to help his/her community then fly that flag! But sadly we will never know.

  • Jesus of Nazareth - 10 years ago

    I do not agree with this.

  • bob chase - 10 years ago

    Separation of church and state...what is so hard to understand?

  • alex - 10 years ago

    An important part of a life of liberty and the pursuit of happiness is freedom of religion, meaning you are free to worship as you choose without your religion being infringed upon and without being forced to adhere to someone else's beliefs. The separation of church and state is necessary for this because everyone must follow the law. If you make a law on the grounds of one religion, then you are forcing everybody, including people who are not part of that religion, to adhere to that religion's beliefs. Freedom of religion does NOT allow you to claim the court rooms in the name of Jesus. When you do so, you are actually taking away other people's religious freedom. DO NOT CONFUSE YOUR FREEDOM TO WORSHIP WITH YOUR PERCEIVED NOTION THAT YOU CAN FORCE YOUR BELIEFS ON OTHER PEOPLE THROUGH THE LAW. Thank you.

  • Chase Bathersfield - 10 years ago

    Too bad, I was excited to see the flags of Mohammed, Zeus, and Satan they'd have had to have allowed if the Jaysus flag was permitted

  • Clinton Hammond - 10 years ago

    Yes. No special dispensation for mythology.

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