Do you support legalization of marijuana in Texas?


  • brock davisson - 9 years ago

    yes, and charles you're a moron and hey everyone, go watch my videos

  • It's doesn't matter - 10 years ago


  • Mark Rudder - 10 years ago

    I watched my Father die from Cancer, he could not eat for weeks. He was like you Mr. Hofbauer would never consider uesing pot, but he was dieing. I told him it may help with the pain, he said he would try anything. We smoked and it took away the pain , he went straight to the kitchen and had a full meal. My question Sir is, would you keep it from your Dad?

  • Steven - 10 years ago

    charles said while enjoying his 5th glass of whiskey.

  • Steven - 10 years ago

    charles said while enjoying his 5th glass of whiskey.

  • Jan - 10 years ago

    The reason that marijuana currently l'exposes' people to other drugs is because it's illegal. If someone can buy one illegal drug they might have friends who can buy others. So, legalizing it would put it in the same place as alcohol. Only people who smoke marijuana don't beat their wives or kill people in car crashes. They just raid the fridge and laugh.
    Also, legalization would free up law enforcement to go after crimes with victims like murder, rape, pedophilia, identify theft.

  • Dab Doobie - 10 years ago

    I would propose that I give Charles permission to remove the stick from his anus. Thank you.

  • Ramiro - 10 years ago

    Everyone smokes weed already

  • Charles R Hofbauer - 10 years ago

    Texas will make a huge mistake legalizing marihuana sales/distribution/usage, especially since such is prohibited by existing Federal Law...
    And, as a former Drug and Alcohol Abuse Counselor in the Marines, I have seen what can happen when those who have never used are exposed...
    Colorado, California, and Washington (state) are already seeing their users/distributors/growers getting out of hand and the legal issues are finally surfacing...
    Washington DC took a dangerous step in legalizing usage...and they will feel the brunt of Federal Law for said...their actions were NOT legal...
    I can NOT, in good conscience, support a state administration, that will allow this to happen...

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