Which dress do you love?


  • Charlene - 10 years ago

    I have to say both are ugly and don`t do Ivanka justice..
    If I have to pick one it would be the black one but wish she would wear neither!

  • Aniket - 10 years ago

    I Vote for the red one as red is a symbol of power and elegance and Ivanka has the perfect combination of both. She is a trend setter what ever she decides to wear will surely make news :-)

  • Elena - 10 years ago

    Dont like either of them. But from two choices I pick the black. The red looks like cheap gypsy dress from the clearance rack at Macy's. Sorry Ivanka. being honest here. Love u!

  • Kathy - 10 years ago

    I voted red, because she is too classy to show too much skin. I really think the designer could of done better. I really don't like either.

  • Carla - 10 years ago

    Ivanka is truly beautiful and has an eye for fashion so I'm confused who picked these two. Neither one is very striking, but I say the red one. The black one is too much of a distraction for such an event. Good luck tomorrow night, Ivanka!

  • Kathryn - 10 years ago

    Of the two, the red is prettier on Ivanka, and moor elegant for this event. I wasn't crazy about the fringe. But the black one is too frilly and sheer, not like a host I'd say, save it for a lighter, gayer event like a fancy party, but I don't like the floral pattern anyway. They're both beautiful dresses but yet I wouldn't wear either.

  • Pamela - 10 years ago

    Agree with all the above posters; I don't care for either dress. I'd pick the red one because it is elegant and looks the best one her. However, please Ivanka grab something else out of your closet!!!

  • Anna - 10 years ago

    Ivanka, you are gorgeous in anything! You look skinny in the red one, but, let's face it, you ARE skinny! I'm sure it's just because it's in comparison to the flowered one. Anyway, the flowered one looks a little more whimsical for this type of event. Save the red one for a fiesta!

  • Andrea - 10 years ago

    I choose the red one although she looks gorgeous in both, but the red one lights up her face a bit more. I think she is an amazing person on a great path in life!! She is an inspiration to me and to our generation!!

  • Stella - 10 years ago

    I love the black, but it looks everyday pattern. I would go one color, would not feel too busy and if for evening, go for nice elegant.

  • Carolyn - 10 years ago

    I voted for the black one, but if the red one did not have that hokey fringe on it, that would be the better one.

  • Jean Tyree - 10 years ago

    Neither one really looks good on her ... however... SHE IS BEAUTIFUL! Go for the simple fitted black dress .... she is much too beautiful to try and let a dress out stage her!

    Have fun ... :)

  • Cindy - 10 years ago

    I voted the red because there is no 3rd choice. neither looks great on her.

  • Kelly - 10 years ago

    I voted for the red dress because as a host I think it's a much classier look for her. But honestly, I'm not a huge fan of either of them. She is SO beautiful...inspirational...and such a sweet person. Her lit'l babies are so adorable...also, Donald Jr. is very cute and looks like a lot of fun to be around. Love this family!!

  • Jeannie - 10 years ago

    I voted for the red one, but actually I hate both of them. She is way too beautiful and safisticated to be put in a sack! She is so much more classier than that.

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