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Who’s your favorite Jersey rock star, Bruce Springsteen or Jon Bon Jovi?

Total Votes: 22,031

  • Deedee - 10 years ago

    I find it funny how people are saying that Jon Bon Jovi tries to be Bruce. Never in my 28 years of being a fan have I ever felt that way. Their styles are very different. Yes Bon Jovi started out clearly as a hair band in the 80's BUT how many of those hair bands made it out of the 80's once the grudge era hit? Not that many at all. Bon Jovi has always reinvented themselves yet still stayed true to themselves. And the highest grossing tour of 2013 says a lot of their fan base. Those of you who say their live shows aren't all that must be at the wrong show. I have been to plenty of shows and they are the only band that I have ever seen live that sounds as good as they do recorded. Also, you may know of Jon's charitable contributions but there are a lot of his contributions that go unsaid. Some things you just cant hide...such as the restaurant. It was bound to get publicity. And so what if he stand proud in front of it. He doesn't have to donate a penny to anyone. It is his money that he earned. I wont bash Bruce...I like some of his stuff but not all. The question should really be why do people feel the need to bash one or the other? Sometimes its just a matter of nostalgia, what you grew up with and what you attach memories too.

  • Kate - 10 years ago

    That was the hardest and meanest comparison EVER. They are both amazing musicians with amazing voices, lyrics and music. Impossible to compare.
    Love ya both!

  • Yanina - 10 years ago

    Jon Bon Jovi, genio, grande total, inspirándonos por generaciones.... la mejor banda mundial!!!!

  • Christine Austin - 10 years ago

    Bruce is the Boss and more importantly, particularly for this poll, New Jerseys small town guy who made it big Ambassador. He lives, eats, sleeps and loves Jersey and its people. Moving on to the music. Apples and oranges, or should I say pb&j and an Italian sub with everything. Hard core, booty shakin' Rock & Roll vs fun, tame pleasant pop. We embrace Bruce in NJ (and not just the housewives).

  • Viducic - 10 years ago

    Listen, at the end if the day, you listen to what you like but I am sorry but when I read comments about BJ being better than Bruce it boggles the mind. Even the musicians that vote artist into the rock and roll hall of fame ignore BJ.....for the last decade. Whereas Bruce was voted in in his first year of eligibility. Again, like what you want to like but you can't deny the impact Bruce's music had on the world of music and the world for that matter. You don't hear Bob Dylan, Pearl Jam, Chris Cornell, Rage Against the Machine, U2 cover BJ but they do cover Bruce and have shared the stage with him. Mike Ness is a fan, Johnny Cash was a fan, Joe Strummer was a fan....just a few more who respect Bruce.....none ever mentionBJ. Again, like what you like but sorry BJ is not in Bruce's class...... I remember Axel Rose punch a reporter in the face when he was compared to BJ in the late 80s......

  • Viduch - 10 years ago

    Bon Jovi ruined music in the 80s. He was the leader of the shallow, womanizing talentless long haired bands that defined the crap which a lot of the 80s were known for. Bruce saved rock from disco in the 70s along with bands like the Clash. When you mention Bruce's name it is in the same sentence as the Beatles, the Stones, the Who, the Kinks, the Clash, U2, Nirvana, Pearl Jam.....the all time greats of the past decades. When you mention Bon Jovi, he is mentioned in the same sentence as Poison, Warrent, Trixter......not even close to Motley Crue and Guns and Roses. Bon Jovi serves his purpose is bubble gum crap! As to his charity work....he makes it known what he does so he can stroke his ego. Even recent publicity shots of him flexing on a car in front of hus restaurant......totally classless. He needs to go away.

  • Viduch - 10 years ago

    Bon Jovi ruined music in the 80s. He was the leader of the shallow, womanizing talentless long haired bands that defined the crap which a lot of the 80s were known for. Bruce saved rock from disco in the 70s along with bands like the Clash. When you mention Bruce's name it is in the same sentence as the Beatles, the Stones, the Who, the Kinks, the Clash, U2, Nirvana, Pearl Jam.....the all time greats of the past decades. When you mention Bon Jovi, he is mentioned in the same sentence as Poison, Warrent, Trixter......not even close to Motley Crue and Guns and Roses. Bon Jovi serves his purpose is bubble gum crap! As to his charity work....he makes it known what he does so he can stroke his ego. Even recent publicity shots of him flexing on a car in front of hus restaurant......totally classless. Her needs to go away.

  • Jule - 10 years ago

    It's quite funny how emotional people get over this, like it actually matters. They're both good, in many ways; it's nothing to get so worked up about. A lot of these comments say much more about the people posting them, than they do about the rock stars they're so vehemently defending or degrading.

  • Mp - 10 years ago

    This poll is closer then most would of thought bruce is actually still hanging in there

  • Yutzmach Purkonae - 10 years ago

    Whoever says that Bruce has not given back to society and community as much as BJ has done has no clue. The big difference is that for the most part, when Bruce helps out a cause or an individual, he does so without any media fanfare. As far as I'm concerned, BJ is lucky if he can shine Bruce's shoes.

  • Nanda - 10 years ago

    Jon Bon Jovi is the great ambassador of New Jersey in the world.

  • Nanda - 10 years ago

    Jon Bon Jovi is the great ambassador of New Jersey in the world.

  • Nanda - 10 years ago

    Jon Bon Jovi is the great ambassador of New Jersey in the world.

  • Nanda - 10 years ago

    Jon Bon Jovi is the great ambassador of New Jersey in the world.

  • Nanda - 10 years ago

    Jon Bon Jovi is the great ambassador of New Jersey in the world.

  • Anne - 10 years ago

    Bon Jovi keeps producing new music while Bruce just plays his old stuff. That's why Bon Jovi should win plus all his charity work is commendable. Besides, Jon is SOOOOO HOT!

  • xxx - 10 years ago

    I think it's really unnecessary to do this poll because not everyone has the same taste in music,and they are both great singers,they've both done amazing things,charity work..
    I'd vote Jon, I just love his songs and the Bon Jovi of course..
    P.S. I think it's not fer to insult Jon or Bruce 'cause they are both awesome singers, and they both have their own fans,so it doesn't really matters who wins this poll...

  • James Farley - 10 years ago

    Bon Jovi's music continues to inspire all over the world not just New Jersey. It made me think and dream big and make anything seem possible and still is. Bon Jovi live you will come away feeling you have just seen the biggest Rock band in the world. Love Bruce aswell who puts on a magical show. But all said and done Jon Bon Jovi survived the 80's and went on to inspire people from every corner of the planet including this man from a place in Liverpool UK where inspiration is much needed sometimes. THESE DAYS

  • viduch - 10 years ago

    I have seen Springsteen about 50 times. His music changed my life and his live performances are like religious experiences. I always dismissed Bon Jovi as my tastes were Bruce and the Clash later Nirvana and Pearl Jam. Around 2005 or so I was asked by my younger female cousins if I wanted to take their extra ticket to see Bin Jovi. I said yes. I went and it only reinforced my feelings. It was the worst concert I ever saw. My cousin's husband and I were texting through the show complaining about our ears bleeding......we could not hear each other over the high pitch screaming coming out of Jon's mouth. He tried to imitate Bruce throughout the show in his raspy story telling and mannerisms.....but seemed like a school boy trying to emulate his hero. Pathetic. His lyrics are meaningless cliches with no depth. I am sorry but Bon Jovi simply sucks!!!!

  • Lee - 10 years ago

    Jon Bon Jovi is one of the greatest rockers of all time without a doubt! He's like a fine wine.....gets better with age!! They are both good artists but my heart is with Jon. Jon also gives alot of his soul to the outside world personally and through his music! You da man Jon!!!!

  • coach - 10 years ago

    there is no comparison. bruce springsteen is the greatest rock star of all time and there are no words to describe his concerts. no one has ever entertained like THE BOSS!

  • Abhinav - 10 years ago

    I know Bon Jovi triies his best to make and perform his music, and he does it quite well. But Bruce is at whole another level. Talent wise bruce is light years ahead of Jon. Believe me I have all the albums of both the artists. Jon could never emulate Bruce musically and as far as live performance is concerned Bruce is second best to god.

  • Dan DeFlores - 10 years ago

    Bon Jovi fans, are you KIDDING me????? Bon Jovi has pretty much ZERO talent - both musically and poetically - compared to Bruce. And I'm sure Bon Jovi knows that too. If I'm Bruce, I don't know whether to be insulted or just laugh it off as ridiculous. Knowing Bruce, I'm pretty sure he's pleasantly amused. again, there is absolutely NO COMPARISON if you truly look at each of their body of works. Stop trying to fool yourselves.

  • Jenn db - 10 years ago

    Jon Bon Jovi is sooo much better then Bruce Springsteen in every way! Especially when it comes to mucic. Bruce has a horrible voice and his music sucks!

  • LJT - 10 years ago


  • Anita - 10 years ago

    Jon Bon Jovi, his performances are outstanding - I've seen him over 20 times & he always gives it his heart & soul. Love his voice & lyrics & and of course he is soooooo handsome!

  • puma nj - 10 years ago

    Once I saw JBJ hanging with the New England Patriots owner when they were playing the Giants in the Super Bowl I started to question whether he was even from NJ. I want to see his birth certificate.

  • ron armstrong - 10 years ago

    bon jovi is good,but there's nobody like springsteen

    comparing bon jovi to springsteen is just silly

    springsteen's an american treasure

  • David - 10 years ago

    From an Aussie, Bruce is the man.

    Gives everything in his shows every time but what makes him the winner here is that his music is abt people, their lives, their struggles and triumphs. Their are characters in his music that you know, want to be like and those that you don't. Bruce is an American poet, a professional and at the end of the day someone who I reckon you could have a beer with and talk abt anything other than him.

    Sydney, Australia

  • Bossladyone2 - 10 years ago

    Because "Jesus Was An Only Son" and spilled his blood while walking up Calvary Hill, Jon Bon Jovi is "halfway there "Living On A Prayer"
    One of the most Powerful lines of poetry ever written ***For Remember The Soul of the Universe Willed a World and it Appeared.***
    When God planted Bruce in the Garden State, he thought what a "Fine Boy" he was. Then he looked around
    and saw that Old Blue Eyes had joined the other members of The Rat Pack. This would never do. He planted Jon Bon Jovi in the Garden State to join Bruce in "Who Says You Can't Go Home?" Even though "Sandy" came and left "My City in Ruins," his two Jersey Boys are still the very finest in his Garden State!!!

  • MP - 10 years ago

    That is like asking who do you like better your mom or your dad. These guys are both legends and class acts!

  • liz lorman - 10 years ago

    No comparison here, John is good and has done some good deeds but Bruce is the man,songwriter, musician, singer, he also contributes to numerous charities and lots of it is on the hush! Bruce dings from the heart and with sole when u listen to a Bruce song u feel lime he is singing to u, been a fan for well over 40 years still cant get enough of his music

  • daniele - 10 years ago

    I like Bruce Springsteen...can't name more than 3 of his songs but he is understandably a legend. I Love John Francis Bongiovi!!!! He is a singer, songwriter, actor, philanthropist, humanitarian...he is more vocal about his good deeds because he wants to encourage and inspire EVERYONE to give more, to help more, to love more...he wants people to know that you don't need to be rich and famous to help...there are so many local charities and soup kitchens to help feed people in your community. He has not just touched my soul with his music but with his giving heart. I truly believe that he is just an all around good human being.

  • sam evers - 10 years ago

    bon jovi has had an excellent career

    springsteen is the best live act in the history of this planet

    to compare bon jovi to springsten is absurd

  • Janet - 10 years ago

    Definitely Bruce. I do love both their music. But after meeting both of them. Bruce by far is a fan person. He is so friendly and you can tell he appreciates his fans. Bonjovi is not fan freindly at all. When I met him he couldn't be bothered.

  • Lyn - 10 years ago

    What a discussion!!!!!! JBJ is my favourite singer hands down but to say The Boss does not do as much good work is just ridiculous. The two men just have different styles in the way they give back.

  • dj - 10 years ago

    Dede got it perfectly right, Jon Bon Jovi is the . Music, talent, humanitarian, Jon Bon Jovi is the Total Package. Bruce has done a couple good songs, but never has had the massive hits or won the Awards Jon has in all Walks of Life, that says something about Jon Bon Jovi. That says something about the People of the World, they Love Jon Bon Jovi and what he stands for.

  • Rich Thomas - 10 years ago

    FYI...Bruce has a representative of his inner circle, go through a list of people in Monmouth County whose housing situation is in total decimation. The rep contacts the housing authority of Monmouth and makes arrangements to repair the his expense. TOTAL ANONYMITY. A high school friend was handling these arrangements for the County. He was told it was from a donor who wanted to remain anonymous. It was YEARS before he found out it was Bruce and his $. New roofs, heat, he had floors put in a home where the family had dirt floors. He has volunteers at EVERY concert collecting for the local food bank. He religiously plays the "Light of Day" concerts in AP every year with proceeds going to Parkinsons research. He's bought fire trucks for local fire and rescue. Gave $ to refurbish and upgrade the old YMCA of AP. If my memory serves me right, he paid for a new roof on top of what was then the Garden State Arts Center. I'm not trying to diss JBJ...he does a lot! But to say he does way more than Bruce is a false statement. Jon would be the first to tell you that.

  • Lolita - 10 years ago

    They are both amazing performers in their own right, but BRUCE isn't called the BOSS for nothing! Bruce hands down. Also, ridiculous to say Bruce does not give back and perform charity work...he does a ton! Just keeps it very quiet and doesn't like to advertise...Jon is a little more transparent with his giving :)

  • Chris - 10 years ago

    Bruce gives a hell of alot to charity as much as Bon Jovi has .. Bruce donates to the Foodbanks , stands up for heros and the Vet's !!! He was one of the first people to speak out for the Nam vets Ron Kovac is a personal friend of his he was one of the first people on the scene to support the families and rescue workers of 9/11 . Bruce does alot humanitarian work also for local communites . To say Bruce has not given back to the community is nuts.

  • The Last DJ - 10 years ago

    @Dede: I guess you mixed up the names in your post! If not that gives me the biggest LOL of all time! :-)

  • The Last DJ - 10 years ago

    Bon Jovi is not even in the same league as Springsteen. Of course I voted for Bruuuuuce! Bon Jovi is a cheap wannabe copy of Bruce.

  • Dede - 10 years ago

    OMG...Are you kidding me. Jon has not only made lots of fans with his singing/songs,but has given back WAY MORE to society then Bruce could EVER dream of..There is NO comparing the two=SORRY! Jon Bonjovi may not be in the lead on this poll but, in giving back alone- he has WAY surpassed Bruce! He is part of 31 charities eg. Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation, Project HOME,Habitat For Humanity-NYC , his goal is rebuilding pride in one’s self and one’s community – one SOUL at a time. This is my opinion-I'm voting for the man who is trying to make a difference and continuing to give back what the fans have giving him. Absolutely

  • rosanella vesentini - 10 years ago

    X sempre Bruce my boss

  • Henk Debal - 10 years ago

    what a ridicoulous poll ! Next will be Bert or Ernie ? Both are great singers and musicians, but what's the use of a poll ?
    Of course I voted Bruce, although I also have all Bon Jovi albums

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