Which time zone do you think Indiana should be in?


  • Wally Krzyzanowski - 10 years ago

    We live in the MIDWEST not on the EAST coast. The kids are getting on the bus, out in the county, 2 hours before sun rise. There are no lights out there like in town. In the Winter time you have very cold mornings and lots of snow drifts to put up with. Also a lot of foggy mornings. A lot of schools start school 2 hours later because of the weather. WE don't care what the East Coast does, because are over 800 to 1000 miles away. The way the time zones were set originally, the brake off line goes thur Columbus, Oh. NOT IL. line. And Michigan should also be the CENTRAL time zone. LETS put some common sense behind this. Thank You.

  • Mark Smith - 10 years ago

    The actual mathematical line between Eastern and Central time runs roughly through Columbus, Ohio. Ohio was actually in the Central Time Zone until the 1920s. I'm not sure why anyone would even think that Indiana belongs on Eastern Standard Time, let alone Eastern Daylight Time.

  • Nick E. - 10 years ago

    It's absolutely a no-brainer and not even a debate: If Indiana uses standard time rather than local, then it's on Central all-year long. Not Eastern for four months and Atlantic for the other eight, or even Central for four and Eastern for the other eight... Central all year long. Whatever peoples' clocks say, it's already on Central year-round as the sun says. Time is defined and based upon the sun; not the other way around. People can set their clocks to whatever they want - they can be manually set very easily. But clocks in public places need to have the right time shown on them, whether standard or local. I looked at my phone this morning and it was wrong by nearly two hours with no way to fix it. It's absurd. Some very basic terms defined: sunrise is when the sun rises above the horizon. Sunset is whn it sets below the horizon. Day is the period between sunrise and sunset when the sun is above the horizon (ignoring for now high latitudes, where Indiana is not located) and night is the period between sunset and sunrise when the sun is below the horizon. Noon is defined as the time when the sun is highest in the sky and passes the local meridian - and the earth rotates at a steady rate such that it takes an equal amount of time for the sun to get to that point after it rises as it does the sun to set after getting to that point; hence noon is also the middle of the day, halfway between sunrise and sunset. Midnight is defined as the middle of the night - I really don't need to explain that - so halfway between sunset and sunrise, which is halfway through the night and when your longitude (meridian) is pointed to a point in space exactly opposite the sun. AM comes from the latin ante meridiem, which means "before meridian" - before your meridian has passed the point of the sun in space and thus the sun is shining directly over a longitude east of you. PM comes from the latin post meridiem, which means "after meridian" - after your meridian has passed the point of the sun in space and thus the sun is now shining directly over a longitude west of you. All these illustrate how time is defined on the sun and not vice versa. So right now, in eastern Indiana for example, noon (local time) is at 11:53am Central Standard Time. On the winter solstice, when the day is about 9 1/2 hours long in Indiana - depending on latitude of course, the sun rises 4 3/4 hours before noon (7:15am local time) and sets 4 3/4 hours after noon (4:45pm local time). On the summer solstice, when the day is about 15 hours long, sunrise is at 5:30am and sunset at 7:30pm local time . So set your clocks however you want, but public clocks need to be right... I don't see how they can even be set wrong so consistently.

  • ewers7000 - 10 years ago

    Just makes sense to change to Central time and that why lawmakers won't do it

  • Suzanne - 10 years ago

    It would be nice if people could just leave a civilized comment about their preference on the time zone issue without all the name calling. People do have different opinions on subjects. That does NOT make them nuts if they differ from you. People seem not to know about courtesy any more.

    I am one of the "nuts' who would like to see us return to the time zone that is closest to sun time. It doesn't make sense to have the hottest part of the day at 6PM. Or send our kids to school in the dark. (And I doubt very much if most schools are year around.) Why do we need almost 1/2 of our country in one time zone and then 3 more for the rest.

  • RC - 10 years ago

    So what if the sun sets at 4:15 in December! It's REAL time. We only get nine hours of daylight in December. In the summer we now have to wait until 10:00 for fireworks. It was great when they could do it at 9:00 and be totally dark. Central time is so much more practical for where we are geographically. We get 15 hours of daylight in June. Even on Central Time, we still have almost an extra hour of daylight after 12 noon than before 12 noon. I hated changing our clocks today to be ready for Eastern Time. It's depressing being dark so late in the morning. I feel like it's December all over again.

    I also prefer being on Central time for TV programming. When games start at 8:30 or 9:00 when it could be 7:30 or 8:00 instead, it wouldn't be so ungodly late when it's over. Also, a lot of gyms open up at 5:00 am when it's still pitch dark - even in June. Cars get broken into in the parking lot at any time of year because it's still dark when it should be starting to get light - in some cases. Having to be an early riser doesn't make it any easier being on Eastern Time. People in Indiana are probably more sleep-deprived than anywhere else in this country. We're up too late either because it's daylight too late or because of TV programs being on an hour later. All 92 counties should be in the same time zone, not 80 on Eastern and 12 on Central. As far as I'm concerned, Michigan, Ohio, Eastern Kentucky, and Eastern Tennessee could justify being on Central time due to how late it gets dark in those states, too. All the more reason we in Indiana should be on Central Time. Alabama is on Central time, and they are directly south of us.

  • Angie Joseph - 10 years ago

    Its always interesting to watch The Today Show when its daylight in NYC but still dark as night here! Yet we are on the same time zone.

  • Karen C, Rice - 10 years ago

    Why don't we just divide the state right down US 31? Have the West side in sync with Chicago, and the East side in sync with New York. OR we could go back to having no time change at all.

  • Peg - 10 years ago

    I liked the time the way it was for more than 30 years. We did not have daylight savings!! The lame excuse, it is a good time to check smoke alarm batteries, emergency supplies, etc. is down right stupid. Majority of people do not do that anyway. Be real. I don't need a time change to remind me to put a battery in the alarm. Just leave the time on one time. Thank you Mitch, I even voted for you, but you didn't ask us if we were in favor of the DST!

  • Pat - 10 years ago

    Kate you have been given several common sence reasons why Eastern time is better. You just choose to ignore them.

  • Kate - 10 years ago

    For the life of me I cannot come up with one good reason to be on EST. We are far closer to Chicago than New York, & I as well as many Indiana residents have family there & in other surrounding Midwest areas that are on Central Time. The math involved to make phone calls & visits is ridiculous. Additionally, the daylight hours throw off children's (adult's too) body clocks. In summer they are up way too late because it is still light out, & in winter months they are leaving for school in the dark. Indiana residents care about our children; it's time Indiana legislators show that they do as well.

  • Jim - 10 years ago

    It is a fact that the 80 Indiana counties that observe eastern time have on average the latest sunrises and darkest mornings of any region in the adjacent 48 states. This year Indianapolis will have 57 sunrises later than 8 am and Terre Haute will have almost 21/2 months. Any location that observes its geographic time will never have a single 8 am sunrise. With central time our latest sunrise would be about 7:15.
    It is an outrage that the leadership of the General Assembly will not allow a study of this issue that affects every Hoosier every day. Eastern time was first imposed on Indiana in July 1961 by the Interstate Commerce Commission acting on a request from a influential lobbying coalition based in Indianapolis. None of the coalition held elected county or state office.
    If a study reveals eastern time has been beneficial for Indiana no harm will have been done. But if a study shows that eastern time has had a negative effect corrective action can be taken.

  • Chris Shelton - 10 years ago

    If we are forced to have daylight savings time for most of the year, then Central Time much better than Eastern Time for Indiana. It was just fine when we had Eastern Standard Time all year long, without any daylight savings time.

    Travelling to school in the mornings before dawn is often unsafe, and difficult for people to get up hours before dawn.

  • Pat - 10 years ago

    Nice to see all the central time zone nuts (or a few with busy digits) skewing this dopey poll. Maybe i should stay up all night and skew it the other way. Idiots want to be in the dark before the local news comes on in the winter

  • Lorinda Cearing - 10 years ago

    Please STOP the time changes. I just want Indiana back on the same time it was before they changed it. I want the time to stay the same always like it did before. NO time switching back & fourth back & fourth to daylight savings at all. The switching is what is so freaking annoying and messing up my body. ! I think eastern is the one we were on before this nightmare happened. I maybe wrong. It has been so long ago I can't remember. but please please stop the switching. Leave the time alone, and just let it be. PLEASE !!!!

  • jed beadles - 10 years ago

    as a former high school teacher for 34 years and having taught in both time zones students were much more alert and did better with the central zone.

  • Frank - 10 years ago

    Comments for those of you supporting Eastern Time Zone:

    1. Do any of you have person(s) ages 18 or under living in your household? If so, unless you live in a collar county of Louisville or Cincinnati, I cannot for the life of me figure out why you'd want Indiana to be on Eastern Time. Take it from someone who does--it's much more difficult getting kids moving on school days when it's dark than when it's light. Also, kids would be much more likely to have daylight when they're waiting for the bus.

    2. Regarding the 4:30 winter sunsets: Granted, it's not something I look forward to, either. But for most people--especially kids--it's a lot more important to have the daylight between 7 and 8 AM than it is between 4 and 5 PM. Waking up in the dark is worse than traveling home in it. On the flip side, we have 9:30 summer sunsets. Again, trying to put kids to sleep is much more of a challenge when it's light than when it's dark.

    3. Regarding the "it's not important" line: YES IT IS! Being on Eastern time significantly has an adverse affect on our health (circadian rhythms), our schools, and our productivity in work/school settings.

    The sooner we go to Central time, the better. Let's do this!

  • Sallie French - 10 years ago

    We are far enough west to be on Central Time. I hate sporting events to come on at 10:00 pm. It's ridiculous that primetime shows come on at 10:00 ,also. I hate getting up everyday in the dark. How depressing!!

  • tina - 10 years ago

    There is no way we should be on the same time zone as Boston. Its not natural that the sun doesn't come up until 8am on some mornings. I believe this is detrimental to the health of our teenagers who need a more traditional light cycle. Yes I love the late hours in the summer, but this is not good for Hoosier health!
    I don't like to see my kids outside in the pitch dark on the majority of school mornings.
    Politicians step up to the plate and make the change. ITS ABOUT TIME!

  • Dave Miller - 10 years ago

    I agree with Ken. There is no way geographically that we belong on the same time zone as New York. Politicians are afraid to make changes. I think we need new politicians!!!

    I care about the kids of this state. Too many kids are getting hit by cars in the morning when it is too dark to get on the bus. And in the summer time, it's still daylight at 9:30pm when my kids go to bed at 8pm.

    We need to be on Central time!! Businesses will adjust, just like all the businesses in TX, IL, KS, WI, MN, TN, etc.

  • Ken - 10 years ago

    Yes, Indiana belongs in the Central Time zone. This is basic geography that we are out of sync. Anyway it is a lesson I learned in 5th grade with a globe. Look at where Indiana lines up with the longitude of our eastern and western borders. The Central Time zone would also help school districts in the winter time. Two hour delays would be like three hours. Or on regular schedule, they would have an extra hour perhaps eliminating some of the delayed openings.

  • Genealogy nut - 10 years ago

    It's a math problem folks! The dividing line between the Eastern and Central Time Zones is very close to Port Huron, Michigan; Huntington, West Virginia; Atlanta Georgia; and Tampa, Florida. Not only is Indiana in the Central Time Zone, 99% of Michigan is, too. Or just put the whole world on Zulu Time and let everyone do things when their own thing. LOL

  • gw - 10 years ago

    I prefer eastern time zone. It would be nice to have nationally televised sports events come on at a reasonable hour, but I can't stand the thought of 4:30 sunsets in winter.

  • Steve Anthers - 10 years ago

    Speaker Bosma seems to suffer from the same disease that has swept D.C. and now sadly Indiana.
    Refuses to listen to the PEOPLE and runs everything his way - we will see, we will see. Actions and elections have consequences - NOTICE to all self will legislators - you are not our divine leaders that know all and control all!

  • Joe - 10 years ago

    To all those who voted for/support Eastern Time for Indiana: do you actually understand what that means? It means that when we are on DST solar noon is at around 2:30pm. That means that Indianapolis has the fewest sunrises before 7:00am of ANY US metro area. It means that the sun comes up AFTER 8:00am for the majority of the year. It means that in the Spring and Fall there are around 4 hrs of sunlight before noon and 8 hrs after noon. What kind of lazy person gets up after 7:00am? I guess that's why they call us Naptown. We like to stay up till late drinking beer and playing cornhole and then don't get up in the morning. On Central Standard Time in Indianapolis solar noon would be AT NOON. On Central Daylight Time solar noon would be at 1:00pm. Isn't that more rational than basically always being on double-daylight savings on Eastern? Heck, why not be on Atlantic time if you want it to be light at 10:00pm?

  • PmA - 10 years ago

    Stick a sundial in the ground; when it says noon, look at your watch...you'll know in what time-zone to be (likely Central time). But, don't take part in daylight savings time -- leave us alone already.

  • Wrangler1 - 10 years ago

    Leave the time the way it is on Eastern DST! The legislators come up with this stuff to distract from the real issues that need to be taken care of. While the general public is getting up in arms over this, the legislators are sliding other stuff past us! If you're worried about the kids going to school in the dark then change the times of school! They have to get up so early, they're not even awake yet when they head out!

  • Larry - 10 years ago

    California is 3 hours behind us and they do alright with stock market. We need to be on our 'real time.' Central

  • Dana - 10 years ago

    Do people not realize that if we went to Central time, it would get dark at 4pm in the winter?? Central time is not EST, it's an hour behind that. I didn't get off the bus until 4 pm when I was younger. So there you still have kids walking around in the dark. It's not going to matter either time zone is going to be dark either in the morning, or the evening...leave it alone. Between all the bad education legislation, no alcohol sales on Sunday, and now this, what other causes that make no sense are we going to take up and waste time not fixing the problems we already have. Leave the time alone and quit whining. If you want to be on central time move closer to Chicago or Evansville where they are on central time.

  • Carolyn Kantz - 10 years ago

    I was hesitant when we went to DST, but love it now. And I hope and pray we stay on eastern time. It is so nice for our family to have time together in the evenings with it still being light out. Children will be in the dark in the mornings no matter what at some point. I haven't heard of a rash of accidents or problems due to them being at the bus stop in the mornings. I lived in Kentucky on the central side and hated it. In the winter it is already bad enough for it to be dark a little after five. Enjoy getting your kids off the bus and the sun is already setting. The kids need time in the afternoon to get out and play, there is already so little light in the winter. And we were on eastern time to begin with before we went to DSL, we just did not observe DST, so that is why we would share time with central, but we weren't technically central time. This was all discussed when we went to DST, I hate that people are always wanting to change things. Leave it alone.

  • Marsha - 10 years ago

    PLEASE PLEASE leave it on one time or the other. there is nothing gained by changimg. it was once said that it was done for farmers . we are farmer s' we now have lights on all of our equipment. Just saying.

  • Gerald - 10 years ago

    Leave the time alone! I like to leave work, stop for a few a few drinks! play some golf, go home, mow the grass, few more beers, watch the news at eleven, have dinner, go to bed at dark, get up , drive to work, I wish they could do something about those darn kids walking around in the dark. when I don't feel good!

  • Judy hill - 10 years ago

    i voted for Central Time Zone because it just makes more sense for Indiana. Indiana used to be on Central time and it is closer to the real sun time for most of the state. That being said, I actually like Eastern Time better. I love the long evenings in the summer when we can take walks, sit outside and relax. I grew up in western Ohio so the 10:00 sunsets in the summer are nice were not new to me. I do get the young parents's complaints about waiting in the dark for the bus, trying to get their children to bed at a decent time when the sun is still up. That is the downside to daylight savings time, especially when you are on the far western part of the time zone.

  • Angela Lloyd - 10 years ago

    I think we (Indiana) should not observe DST period. Growing up we never changed our clocks, part of the year we were on Eastern time, part of the year we were Central time and it was GREAT!! To grow up this way and then as an adult having to learn to change the clock and gain/lose an hour is dreadful and I think we should go back to the way we were. Changing time is hazardous to our health, our mental well-being and does not save energy as they claim with air conditioners running in the summer. I have done the research as I was going to write a petition to the White House. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE let us go back to the way it was when I was growing up. I didn't know how wonderful it was until it changed.

  • Dan - 10 years ago

    Eastern Time is great because I'm able to mow the lawn on weeknights after working a full day. If not for that, I'd only be able to get my yard work done on weekends and that takes away from time with the family. Stop crying about politicians. Leave it as-is.

  • Maureen Farrell - 10 years ago

    Eastern time zone is wonderful because even if you have to work long hours, you still get a little daylight after work when you get home!!!

  • Jerry Briner - 10 years ago

    Indiana is Too Far West to be in the Eastern Time zone. The Only Reason that we are on the Eastern Time zone is because some Politicians think that Indiana should be on the same time as the New York Stock exchange.

  • Charles - 10 years ago

    We should had just left in alone!!! I blame Mitch Daniels and his reasons for business opportunities. Many people who like to golf push for it as well. Growing up in the South we hated it!! The best thing Indiana had was when I moved up here we did not change times. It makes more since for safety for children and the obesity in Indiana to switch to Central time and then pass no changes and leave it alone. However,common sense lawmakers do not have. Greed of big businesses have ruin our state and passing the time change pushed many of us small business owners of restaurants out of business. I was one has people started to eat later and I believe in eating healthier and its a proven fact that anytime you eat after 9 your body stores fat. So, when your out golfing,gardening,kids playing, and you look up and it's getting dark around 10 go get you a Cheeseburger!!!- I am surprise the federal government has not stuck their nose in this with the rise of health costs..,

  • steve rich - 10 years ago

    Not only is Eastern time dangerous for kids trying to catch the bus in the morning, it's also takes forever to get to sleep in the summer when the sun doesn't set until 10:00 pm. As far as doing business with the east coast (stock market), we don't do business with our central cities such as Chicago? To me, the stock market theory is a lame excuse. The safety of our children is more important.

  • Kim - 10 years ago

    I would love to do away with daylight saving time. This time of year is already so depressing without having to go to work/school in the dark. Then the lack of sleep because of not going to bed until it at least gets dark at night.

  • Jeff Mershon - 10 years ago

    If the argument is to keep the time the same year round then I would rather be on the Eastern Time zone. I lived in Illinois and Connecticut where you are at the "beginning" of the time zone and it is miserable going to and from work in the dark during the winter.

  • Pat - 10 years ago

    Go away Central time zone nuts. Yeah great let's have it be completely dark At 4:30 pm during december and January. That's real great for the safety of our kids. Let's have everyone leaving work depressed when it's already dark. Brilliant!

  • Susie - 10 years ago

    JUST leave the time alone. Most of the schools are now on year round school, which makes them go to bed WAY BEFORE it gets dark. Who cares if it stays light until 10 PM. 9 PM is late enough. STOP messing with the time. It just messes everything up.

  • carter gossett - 10 years ago

    as far as i am concerned an hour in the am is worth 2 in the pm

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