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Do you support Aam Aadmi Party govt's decision to hike water rates in Delhi by 10%?

Total Votes: 2,826

  • V Sridhar - 9 years ago

    In last one year BJP at center, ruling Delhi thru Lt Gov has converted a 49 day AP Govt leaving the state in profit has changed it to 4500 crore loss / deficit punishing the people of Delhi for not bringing them to power and knowing that they are not worth and cannot come to power in Delhi. So now people have to pay price for not electing AAP to power and believing false poll promises of Modi to come to power and voting BJP to power with majority and allowing them to rule Delhi indirectly thru Lt Gov. causing loss of around 500 crores per month wiping of surplus and bring in deficit. This is Modi style of Governance. Delhi would have been doomed if they were allowed to continue for the next 4 years. It is a wake up for all Indians against BJP rule. They seem no less evil than Congress. Khejrwal rightly said that they both were two sides of the same coin and they have rightly proved it to be so in Delhi Administration more things will come out from other BJP ruled states. If AAP has to increase water price it is because of BJP misrule in last one year. Arvind's quitting Delhi assembly was good that he could come back with majority and AP will not exploit and misuse majority win like BJP with over 60% MPs & MLs with criminal background allowed to contest by BJP and the Election Commission. How horrible a state of affairs of this country that our own people are our enemies and exploiting the poor common man and farmers.

  • V Sridhar - 9 years ago

    In last one year BJP at center, ruling Delhi thru Lt Gov has converted a 49 day AP Govt leaving the state in profit has changed it to 4500 crore loss / deficit punishing the people of Delhi for not bringing them to power and knowing that they are not worth and cannot come to power in Delhi. So now people have to pay price for not electing AAP to power and believing false poll promises of Modi to come to power and voting BJP to power with majority and allowing them to rule Delhi indirectly thru Lt Gov. causing loss of around 500 crores per month wiping of surplus and bring in deficit. This is Modi style of Governance. Delhi would have been doomed if they were allowed to continue for the next 4 years. It is a wake up for all Indians against BJP rule. They seem no less evil than Congress. Khejrwal rightly said that they both were two sides of the same coin and they have rightly proved it to be so in Delhi Administration more things will come out from other BJP ruled states. If AAP has to increase water price it is because of BJP misrule in last one year. Arvind's quitting Delhi assembly was good that he could come back with majority and AP will not exploit and misuse majority win like BJP with over 60% MPs & MLs with criminal background allowed to contest by BJP and the Election Commission. How horrible a state of affairs of this country that our own people are our enemies and exploiting the poor common man and farmers.

  • V Sridhar - 9 years ago

    In last one year BJP at center, ruling Delhi thru Lt Gov has converted a 49 day AP Govt leaving the state in profit has changed it to 4500 crore loss / deficit punishing the people of Delhi for not bringing them to power and knowing that they are not worth and cannot come to power in Delhi. So now people have to pay price for not electing AAP to power and believing false poll promises of Modi to come to power and voting BJP to power with majority and allowing them to rule Delhi indirectly thru Lt Gov. causing loss of around 500 crores per month wiping of surplus and bring in deficit. This is Modi style of Governance. Delhi would have been doomed if they were allowed to continue for the next 4 years. It is a wake up for all Indians against BJP rule. They seem no less evil than Congress. Khejrwal rightly said that they both were two sides of the same coin and they have rightly proved it to be so in Delhi Administration more things will come out from other BJP ruled states. If AAP has to increase water price it is because of BJP misrule in last one year. Arvind's quitting Delhi assembly was good that he could come back with majority and AP will not exploit and misuse majority win like BJP with over 60% MPs & MLs with criminal background allowed to contest by BJP and the Election Commission. How horrible a state of affairs of this country that our own people are our enemies and exploiting the poor common man and farmers.

  • Vasant Puranik - 9 years ago

    Now AAP will know how they were wrong in accusing others. They have not yet arranged for pipe lines in many areas.

  • Govind - 9 years ago

    Delhi ties will indeed pay for their mistake. Today I can guarantee you that nothing will happen in Delhi in the upcoming 5 years. you people have missed the opportunity of getting the better living standard. Pay for your mistake.

  • Anil - 9 years ago

    When I make mistake, I must bear the consequences.

  • manabhanjana Nayak - 9 years ago

    Malkangiri papules are spotted to the party. Very nice.

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