wow,! The picture you have needs updating as she jumped into a nearby phone booth and changed into... wait for it; SuperGirl Of course when someone says We I wonder if they have a mouse in her pocket; Why we love Clive McFarlane.
"While teachers can disagree with school administrators over expulsion and suspension policies, publicly blaming school administrators for following state mandates and then refusing to participate in programs to help students stay in school is open rebellion."
"While teachers can seek resolution to their grievances by working within the system and with their union officials, posting their inflammatory discontent on social media is sabotage."
Kathy Munhall - 10 years ago
She really needs to take a step back and look at how ridiculous she sounds (and looks) !
wow,! The picture you have needs updating as she jumped into a nearby phone booth and changed into... wait for it; SuperGirl Of course when someone says We I wonder if they have a mouse in her pocket; Why we love Clive McFarlane.
"While teachers can disagree with school administrators over expulsion and suspension policies, publicly blaming school administrators for following state mandates and then refusing to participate in programs to help students stay in school is open rebellion."
"While teachers can seek resolution to their grievances by working within the system and with their union officials, posting their inflammatory discontent on social media is sabotage."
She really needs to take a step back and look at how ridiculous she sounds (and looks) !