The Greatest Movie Black Tie has never seen -- Pre-1993 region, Rd. 2


  • Jason Hormann - 10 years ago

    Black Tie said he won't watch Raiders of the Lost Ark because he doesn't like the musical score. What qualifies Black Tie to criticize a John Williams score? What a joke. John Williams has only won 5 Oscars, 2 Emmys, and 22 Grammys, including one for Raiders in 1982. Williams has scored some of the most memorable movie music of all time including Star Wars, Jaws, Jurassic Park, E.T., Superman, and of course Raiders. Black Tie should be forced to watch Raiders and issue an apology for his ridiculous comments.

  • Jill Thomassian - 10 years ago

    It is too bad that Shawshank is against Pulp Fiction, both are must see. I would never force anyone to watch Forrest Gump or Top Gun. Basically, if he has to watch the final four, he will miss out on a couple of good movies and be forced to watch a bad movie, best of luck...

  • James Sagnella - 10 years ago

    Just a heads up to Black Tie. Forrest Gump, Shawshank Redemption, and Pulp Fiction are all in the 5.00 bin at Walmart! Not too mention, Green Mile and Inglurious Bastards as well. Another 2 great must see movies. IMHO.


  • Zach - 10 years ago

    We have to make Black Tie watch Raiders of the Lost Ark

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