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Which do you think is Manitoba's worst road?


  • GFletcher - 10 years ago

    Why is PR 280 not on your list? At the best of times it has soft spots and washboard where you can go off the road and destroy your vehicle and quite possibly lose your life.

    None of the other roads on this list are anywhere near as dangerous, or deadly as the PR280.

  • KSpence - 10 years ago

    Why isn't PR280 on the selection list? There are numerous soft spots, potholes and part of the road is washed out.

  • waldo Enns - 10 years ago

    Try driving Wall St. and Erin St. between Portage Ave. and Notre Dame Ave. Drive in the median lane, especially Erin St. When you come to the intersection of Erin and Ellice Ave., be sure you have your back and neck brace on and if you have false teeth, keep your mouth shut or you will likely lose them. I drive for a local company and this intersection has been in its current condition for at least 8 years. Drive slowly if you wish to survive!!!


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