Should there be an independent body to oversee ASIRT investigations?


  • madelyn marshall - 9 years ago

    There have been too many shootings in this city over the past years !!! Many were mentally ill,one women who was shot for being in a vehicle where there was no gun,man with syringe etc. etc. Where will it end? People getting shot because they walk away or ask why they are being held!!! I can understand the use of guns if guns are involved the police have to protect themselves. They also need psychological assessments of their fear levels. To shoot a man holding a syringe and lighter is cowardly ! They could have shot him in the shoulder not kill him. They should change their training philosophy from shoot to kill to shoot to injure depending on the circumstances.Our police force is becoming very militant and scary. I am 62 born and raised in this city,no criminal record and have witnessed the decline of our police force. It is obvious that an independent body needs to step in to make sure ASIRT is doing its job...

  • Mark - 9 years ago

    I'd like my own family to investigate me if i'm in a situation and decide if charges should be laid against me.
    I'd also like my family and friends to be part of the court process to find my guilt if I am charged.
    Fair is fair.

    To paraphrase a question to our Muslim friends:
    If all cops aren't bad, why don't the good ones speak out against the bad ones?

  • Fred Whitmore - 9 years ago

    I call this investigative team ACERTS because almost every time they investigate they leave everything smelling minty-fresh, clean and (the illusion of being ) recently sanitized.
    I find some of their decisions difficult to stomach. Perhaps we should call them ATUMS or AGAVISCON. No the last one is just too long and just covers everything with a layer of foam to cover it up. Hmm, that name does sound quite appropriate though.

  • R Scott - 9 years ago

    I am disgusted how you implied that idiot who attempted to flee and ran over innocent people is somehow a victim. He is a felon and what happened to him is a direct result of a bad choice. There are consequences for all choices good or bad. If he wasn't guilty, he wouldn't have needed to run from the police in the first place. Why didn't you interview the victims that were run over?

    I have never been so disgusted with Global.

  • Sheldon - 9 years ago

    Hard to feel sorry for a guy who gets shot after what he did. It is very easy not to get shot by the police, I manage not to everyday.

  • Jon - 9 years ago

    I totally agree with Mike McRae. While I support a civilian panel to review assert decisions is important, the convicted felon you portrayed as a victim is sicking! That felon tried to kill an elderly citizen with his car. There is no excuse or reason to give him compassion or worse an excuse for his behaviour . How would you feel if your mom was run over by this felon? Would question the behaviour of the police or rejoice your mother is still alive because cops stopped his assult with a deadly weapon! Please explain your decision to portray the felon as the victim.

  • Seamus Gorman - 9 years ago

    Though I do not agree with the criminal who lost his eyesight, I don't understand why in Alberta, the first proposal is to set up another panel to oversee another reviewing body... How about ASIRT is a purely independent body with police consultants?

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