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Should Comedy Central have pulled the Paul Walker jokes from the Bieber roast?

Total Votes: 61

  • Dr_Doughstax - 9 years ago

    At the Charlie Sheen roast, they didn't remove Amy Schumer telling Steve-O it was a shame the car crash only killed his friend Ryan Dunn and not Steve-O. And it didn't go over well; Steve-O and a bunch of other people on the stage had looks on their faces of "the fuck was that about" because it just came off as mean. It is possible to be mean and funny, but that means Comedy Central would need to go out and get actual comics to roast people and not the assortment of folks for the Justin Bieber Roast. And even if you get actual comics, you still get jabs like Schumer and whatnot. I say leave it in not because I'm okay with the jokes but because they didn't have a problem leaving in jokes about Ryan Dunn's death.

    Or do us all a favor and stop putting out shitty roasts. That'd be kind of nice too.

  • PrinceLeron - 9 years ago

    Why do we even have roast? I remember one roast where one comedian made jokes about someone else on the show being molested as a child. That person was actually molested as a child and that shit made the air. Not to mention the thousands of jokes they make about celebrities that have just died. I really must have underestimated how much people loved Paul Walker. He seems to be the one celebrity that is off limits. I have no idea why; help me understand.

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