Should big business share the pain in the Alberta Budget?


  • Doug Ross - 9 years ago

    Instead of doing the hard work of examining each government department to identify the waste & inefficiences that we all know exist, Jim took the easy way out. His finance minister said that going forward the government would look to eliminate programs that were not providing the best bang for the buck. Those cuts should have been made in this budget. While they were at it they could have axed the top heavy management at AHS, the 300 million for carbon capture & storage, the 54 million dollar increase for MLA offices, and a laundry list of other things to numerous to mention. Once those items were defunded Grim Jim might have had some credibility to raise any shortfall through taxation. As it stands now Mr. Prentice has raised over 59 different taxes to create the largest tax increase in Alberta history and he still has to borrow over 7.5 billion dollars this year alone just to keep up with their projected spending. Look in the mirror Jim and then hand it to your finance minister so he can have a look to. You are both a disgrace to the notion of a what a public servant should aspire to be.

  • Tony Allan - 9 years ago

    Problems we're not masked by "large royalties and revenues" but by an inept and reckless government but my apologies, that is looking back. Unfortunately that's how a track record is determined.
    Healthcare levy is a tax, otherwise it's a donation suggesting a credit. "Transparency" is not good enough in that we are providing additional funding to an administration that he yet to fix fundamental cost issues.
    Finally an early election call would be an example of continuing taxpayer waste. Let's give Jim's version of this PC government the opportunity to see if they have changed, and if not, send them a message at the properly scheduled election. Jim will certainly understand why we have to look back by then.

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