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What can you do to stop rape?

Total Votes: 339

  • Hidaya - 9 years ago

    Do not and do NOT give the bullshit excuse of clothes provoking a man to rape. Take this example : A woman,in not-so-modest clothing passes by 2 men. IF one of them is a righteous man,committed to his wife and kids, he's not going to have any bad thoughts. He'll be as he is. But the other, who sees women/girls as objects of pleasure MAY want to sexually harass the said woman. Here, the clothes worn by that woman would in no way compel the good man to do something horrific.

    Also, India is notorious for not granting justice to sexual victims. A female who undergoes this, especially rape, is shunned by the whole society, is blamed for the rape, humiliated by the law;offering her a bribe to keep quiet..
    This is outrageous. Its as if the woman doesn't exist.

    And that's exactly how she feels after. Not living,just existing.

    I say, capital punishment is a MUST for these rapists.
    I am speechless at the statement that its awarded "for rarest of the rare cases".

    Well. Rape is not rare in India now, is it ?
    Does that mean, every rapist gets to walk scot-free after what they have done? The pain, the humiliation inflicted on the victim and her family ?

    Action needs to be taken and it has to be quick. These sick people do not deserve to live.

  • Gopinath VR - 10 years ago

    Capital punishment is the only solution. Chopping of their instrument of rape also is a solution.

  • Gopinath VR - 10 years ago

    Capital punishment is the only solution. Chopping of their instrument of rape also is a solution.

  • Saumya Ambastha - 10 years ago

    Requirement is a perfect balanced combination of all the options but above all is to teach male of the society that women are not "their property" and respect women, their choices and their decisions. We also have right to live, decide and choose for ourselves as they have. "Moral Policing" and restrictions will only make matter worse.

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