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Did you enjoy this season of The Walking Dead?

Total Votes: 92
1 Comment

  • PrinceLeron - 9 years ago

    I started season one the Sunday before this week's finale and was caught up in time to watch it live. This show and particularly this season is pure greatness. I would rank this season slightly above the second season when they were on the farm. This show does a great job of tracking progression through the series. For example, before they found the prison Rick stopped Carl from eating dog food. This season the crew were actually eating dogs.

    It is also interesting that Rick is so traumatized even though he has suffered far less loss and seen much less than everyone else in his crew. He was sleep and didn't witness the mass destruction that everyone else had to go through. He is the only person in the group that has any family left. That nigga Glen started the show with all of his people dead. Carl had to shoot Lori and handled it better than Rick. I think that Rick was never all their before the zombie apocalypse. I remember first episode that Lori did describe Rick as cold and distant.

    The one thing that has puzzled me is the change of walker abilities from season one. They were doing everything that first season. They were unzipping tents, climbing fences, climbing ladders and properly opening doors. They stopped doing that the second season.

    I'll finish with two questions

    What was your favorite episode of this series? Mine is the Daryl and Beth episode after the prison was destroyed. That pairing was a brilliant move by the writers and those two worked well together. The best part was when Beth told Daryl that she was going to be the last man standing. She meant it as a compliment but it is actually Daryl's biggest fear.

    Why do you guys think that the show skips winters? It skipped the winter that the crew was roaming before they found the prison. They also skipped the winter after they survived the governor's first attack on the prison.

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