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RBI Guv Raghuram Rajan cautioned banks against infra lending. Do you agree with him?

Total Votes: 995

  • PRADEEP oWALEKAR - 9 years ago

    Infrastructure development is important for national economy and hence should be facilitated. However those involved in infrastructure building in India are invariably unscrupulous and selfish, devoid of any patriotic or societal values. All these people work hand in gloves to serve their own interests at the cost of national and societal interests. Corruption galore. Public fund sub optimally used or totally misused. Banks' non performing assets ( NPAs) increase. National economy is harmed. Citizen suffer. THERE SHOULD BE CLEAR ACCOUNTABILITY AND PUNITIVE MEASURES FOR NON OR INADEQUATE PERFORMANCE OF PROJECTS.

  • T P Thakur - 9 years ago

    bank officials, developers, beaureacrates & the politicians sincerity must be ensured before lending. lalu , maya, antuley , churhati arjun, chautala,Yadav singh yadav like many citizens are there under the patronage of the congress, since 1947.

  • nitesh raguwanshi - 9 years ago

    Bharat it

  • Krish - 9 years ago

    India needs infra-structure development in a massive way and money should be available. Banks are the right source. But the lending should be strictly monitored both in terms of quality progress of the concerned infra-structure as well as there is no corruption involved by the bank officials and no siphoning involved by the developer. It is the responsibility of the RBI and regulators to monitor this . I cannot accept Rajan's argument of stopping or restraining loan for infra-structure. This will be too bad for the country.

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