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SPEAK UP: Have you changed your energy consumption habits due to rising costs? YESTERDAY'S RESULTS: Will you attend a MLB game this year? 38 YES, 106 NO

Total Votes: 336

  • Ollie Rao - 9 years ago

    if it wasn't for the fact that the solar panels available are so ugly, I would've gone solar already.

  • Ramona Fernandez - 9 years ago

    Central Hudson (CH) customers need both the NY Attorney General and the NYS Comptroller to take a look with forensics at CH's billing practices. After the 2014 severe winter, when I received a reconciliation "catch-up bill" for owing CH over $1,200 (in addition to what we had already paid per month), I asked for their advice on how to prevent such a bill in the future. CH told me to pay a monthly budget plan of $281 per month starting 4/14. They felt, given the costs of 2014 when there were record breaking cold temperatures, that this amount would help prevent or limit how much more we would need to pay in March 2015 when the annual review happens. Every month, the payment was made, and every month I was updated on how much credit was due me. By 3/25/15, my balance had a credit of $1,187.37. Since there were less people living at home (only 2 seniors), less cold days, and we insulated more than in 2014, we thought we would at least, not pay as much as 2014. Then, magically, on 3/26/15, the rounded number of $750 was TAKEN from the credit balance. Not, $752.03, not $698.74, not $759.22. Instead, EXACTLY $750 disappeared despite CH's own advice on what would be a good budget payment plan based on the worst case scenario. I was told that, even if my home was heated by oil, "electricity was needed to run the boiler" (which was given an 84% efficiency rating in 7/14). Also, there are strange fees on bills, in tiny type, customers need to check they aren't paying. For example, in spite of having a brand new ERT meter installed, I hadn't realized they were charging $6.14 per month, (in tiny type) for an "ERT Opt Out Meter Reading Fee." What's that? Lastly, every county executive, politician, legislative guru, who takes campaign money from Central Hudson, needs to be "called out" because we do have them! It's those elected officials who take CH's money (or from CH Energy Foundation) that enpower CH to ride roughshod over Dutchess County taxpayers and electric users!

  • Anatollya Reuble - 9 years ago


    The recent plan to keep the Mid-Hudson in the "Capacity Zone" by the FERC is a stupid decision by US regulatory agency and lawmakers and here is why.....

    I have not only had installed Solar Panels on my home but have many energy reduction improvements done as well. Insulation and Air Sealing and installing LED light bulbs in all places.

    ....referencing April2, 2015 article in Poughkeepsie Journal and I quote from your paper :

    "The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second District upheld FERC's capacity zone, which is located in the Hudson Valley swinging down into New York City. The agency regulates the interstate transmission of natural gas, oil and electricity, according to its website. New York doesn't have enough capacity, or backup, in its system, FERC argues.
    If a transmission line goes down there isn't enough energy in the grid to cover it. More backup is needed, according to FERC, and prices were raised as a result to attract generating plants and create more energy within the system".....end quote

    So, FERC raises the rates to get the power companies more money to build more plants. Why not do as in Europe, making cities put Solar Panel and Green roof on all buildings.This would generate more money in peoples pockets like Solar companies and their workers and not USA Government.

    Moreso, if Government put peoples money back in their pockets to get Solar installed, the excess Electric produced by a million home would be more than enough to supply piggy NY City with more electric.
    Of course you got to build more wires but that cost lots less than full power plant and it goes up quicker...months not years and years ! Solar Electric panel keeps Mother Earth cleaner too and not stinking up air with generating plant pollution and killing peoples.

    Anatollya Reuble

    Dutchess county, NY state USA

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