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Poll: How do you feel about Kansas' new gun law?

Total Votes: 5,670

  • Larry - 9 years ago

    I support this law myself. New gun control laws are not going to make it harder for a would be assailant to obtain a gun. If they want one they WILL get one. At least it gives me a glimmer of hope to be able to protect myself or my loved ones if the need arises. If someone responsible enough were at any one of these massacres or multiple victim shootings that had and knew how to use a gun the outcome may have been totally different. Besides now it should make the perpetrators aware that the ordinary law abiding citizens are not going out without a fight.

  • LaTonya - 9 years ago

    I wonder how many of you law abiding gun roaring folks have had any one in your family murdered by a person who shouldn't have had a gun in the first place!I had my 21 yr old daughter murdered by the father of her 2 little girls.So I know the devastating affects of gun violence. We need to find a way to keep guns out of the hands they shouldn't be in first of all.I believe you need gun safety classes, gun training every so often.Background checks a must.

  • Dustin - 9 years ago

    Most Law enforcement officials do not have a problem with it. In fact, Mr. Highland pointed out at the last Legislative Dialogue that they testified in favor of the law. You all are crying that there will be blood running in the streets just like you did when Licensed Concealed Carry was passed, but it has never happened. Laws restricting the carry and use of guns will not reduce the prevalence of crime because criminals by nature do not follow the law and usually do not have the moral character to restrain themselves from harming others. What laws restricting the carry and use DO do is they restrict good, moral, law abiding people from carrying and using a tool that they intend to only use when their lives or the lives of others are in danger by those who intend to do harm or commit murder. For more facts about gun control and criminal use of guns, see everything is footnoted there.

  • Chris - 9 years ago

    I will not nor would I ever support gun registration. What I own is no ones business but mine to know. I wholeheartedly support this law and the second amendment. I also support all the other admendments in our bill of rights. If you choose not to be a "gun" person that's your right. I don't agree with you but that is your right. I'm glad Kansas and Governer Brownback have led this charge.

  • lgirl - 9 years ago

    What bothers me is folks who like this law object to being registered because they are law abiding citizen, why shouldn't they be trusted. Yet many of these people supported requiring citizenship documentation in order vote. If you are an upstanding citizen , what do you have to hide. Why don't you just play along and get proof of citizenship. Why not register your guns? You gun owwners have done nothing wrong and have nothing to hide. Do you? I'm far more afraid of a heavily armed untrained citizenry than a large number of undocumented voters

  • Jim Dolven - 9 years ago

    This law does NOT make it any easier for someone to obtain a gun and go around shooting each and every other person they see. All it does is make it legal to conceal the gun. It's no easier now than it was before the passage of the law. A law pertaining to the carrying of a gun has nothing to do with how easy it is to obtain said gun. Of course, the statistics which show that crime is reduced when people start carrying guns has nothing to do with the reason for the law.

  • Fred - 9 years ago

    As a former LEO, I am thankful that this bill passed. I had avoided getting a CCP, not wanting to be on the state's list. I left the law enforcement field in the 70s, not liking the burden placed on the officers at the time. I can now look forward to carrying without intrusion by the state.

  • Nathan - 9 years ago

    Newsflash: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, and Wyoming all have a "constitutional carry" law. As well as Vermont where it has never been illegal to carry a firearm concealed EVER since Vermont was founded. Those of you that are opposed to it need to educate yourself (on grammar and proper punctuation as well). Your argument is invalid! If you don't like it, move to California or New York where you will fit in with that sort of mentality.

  • John - 9 years ago

    I just want to Thank Governor Brownback and Patricia for they're hard work, and believing in the constitution. And for allowing the ppl of the State of Kansas the constitutional right to defend ourselves. God Bless everyone involved in making this happen, and for the hard work.

  • Shane - 9 years ago


    All I hear is anti-american rhetoric in your post. This is America. We have a 2nd Amendment. If you don't like that then lobby and get politically activated to abolish the 2nd Amendment or move to a more liberal state where you can choose to be a victim and have a higher per capita violent crime rate. The right to life and self defense does not come from government. It comes from our Creator or our humanity. We are born with this unalienable right. I know you would probably prefer peaceful slavery over dangerous freedom, but the rest of us freedom loving AMERICANS understand the true purpose of the 2nd Amendment. And that is to prevent government tyranny, whether it may come from our own, or from one abroad. It allows the people, as a last resort, to be able to defend their lives when the government cannot, or is no longer able to do so, or is the aggressor. You are obviously uneducated on why our founding fathers placed that into our Bill of RIGHTS (not privileges). And the answer is two fold: National Security & government tyranny. Yes, I said national security. It is because of the 2nd Amendment America has not been previously invaded during major world wars and conflicts and why no one has ever attempted to do so since. With the threat of radical Islam, mass shootings, the advent of asymmetric warfare, terrorist splinter cells already inside the U.S., our national debt, and other economic and environmental factors, I would think someone like you would be able to understand the concept that the government may not always be able to be there and hold your hand, wipe your bum, and pull your pants up for you when things go really bad. Whether its an armed robbery or a splinter cell activating in your neck of the woods during a mass shooting, the PEOPLE have a right to defend themselves. If you feel so strongly about the issue, you are more than welcome to LEAVE the great state of Kansas, my home, and go somewhere else. Try Russia, China, or even Europe where guns are completely banned and your freedoms are non existent. Maybe then you'll appreciate the freedoms and rights that thousands of people have died and fought to preserve over countless generations.

  • Brian - 9 years ago

    Ok - yes - it would be make me sleep better to know that everyone carrying had training and were competent with a fire arm first. That being said I see more good coming from this than bad. We as Americans have the right to defend ourselves and others under the 2nd Amendment. Now we have the right to do so almost anywhere we go. In Kansas for non CC permit holders and in other states that reciprocate for CC Permit holders. Please remember its the person that makes the choice in how to react to a situation- not an inanimate object such as a firearm. Stopping blaming firearms when someone is killed with one. No one is taking the fork from your hand when you are deemed obese.

  • greg mccollam - 9 years ago

    Happy it passed! Good job!

  • Eric - 9 years ago

    Brian- your logic is flawed. The law in layman's terms states that anyone who is "Legally Able" to carry a firearm will be allowed to have it "concieled." Which a lot of people have been to the range and practice regularly with our firearm. Some of us have been Open Carrying for a while. Last July made it simpler and a heck of a lot simpler. This allows us to put on a coat without worrying if we are breaking the law. How many more shootings have happened since last July 1?

  • Bryan - 9 years ago

    This is an incredibly stupid law. This is an incredibly stupid poll. Anyone can 'vote' as many times as they like.

    The five morons out there who have nothing better to do in life other than advocate for their phony 'Constitutional' gun rights and who favor such a STUPID law can inflate this 'poll' as they sit there in front of their computer clicking option 2 over and over again in spite of the fact that a real poll shows 78% of Kansans do not support this law.

    I wish some of these losers had enough manhood to stop feeling they must have a steel rod tucked in their pants to feel 'safe.'

    This new law, contrary to misleading reporting, is not limited to 'Kansans.' The law specifically uses the term 'individuals,' not 'Kansas resident' as widely reported, means that anyone who happens to be in Kansas--resident, visitor, foreign citizen, mental patient, criminal--can safely walk up to you anywhere in the state and secretly be armed without fear of arrest.

    The law specifically removes any criminal penalties for people who bring their firearms into posted 'no firearms' buildings, private or public.

    Since this law allows ANYONE over 21 to be armed without a background check, armed parents will now need to escort their 16 year old daughters everywhere to provide the equal 'right of protection' for them that any 'adult' now enjoys.

    My own daughter had an adult male stranger stalk her for 2-1/2 years until he was eventually arrested and then fled the country before his trial. Under this new law he would have been able to legally carry a concealed gun when he showed up at her place of work (which he did several times). The process of getting this mentally ill individual arrested actually took many months and multiple court actions, with multiple police interventions with him. Fortunately, this individual never obtained a gun.

    Kansans, get a clue!!! You have elected state legislators and a governor that are beyond rational.

  • Me - 9 years ago

    Hello Donna,

    That has to be one of the dumbest things I read so far.

    "Now anyone can get their hands on a gun and make it easier to go and randomly shoot someone out of hate"

    How does the new concealed weapon law have to do with that ?

  • Donna - 9 years ago

    This is insane. Did they stop to consider how many people have been killed for absolutely no reason because of a gun. Not just individuals but our Law Enforcement officers as well. Now anyone can get their hands on a gun and make it even easier to go and just randomly shoot someone out of hate, anger or jealousy and this is not the type of world that I want our children and grandchildren growing up in. Did anyone in government offices in the state of Kansas stop and think about the consequences that will come along with this hasty decision?

  • Spice54 - 9 years ago

    My take is that it is refreshing to have the press ASK CITIZENS instead
    of telling us how we should live by virtue of their 'bully pulpit'. As
    to the law, I always want people, even if they do not have a gun, to
    understand the safe operation of all tools - including guns. But I do not
    want the government, the basic reason we have the Second Amendment, to be
    in charge of who may have one. The second amendment did NOT grant the
    right to own or bear arms, it was to REMIND the government that it is
    something they may not abridge and as a final option against government
    For those who want to see the 'intent' of all the amendments, at least
    the first ten, read The Federalist Papers. They are online and in
    libraries, written by those who wrote the Constitution and the 'Bill of

  • Tara - 9 years ago

    Completely assinine

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