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Should Gov. Chris Christie push for more money from ExxonMobil in the state’s environmental-damage lawsuit?

Total Votes: 440

  • precision tool corp. - 9 years ago

    I was caught being grandfathered in, by ERCA, to clean up a 5000 sq.ft. property I purchased from an owner who had passed yrs. ago. It took 10 years to get a NFA letter from Mr.Bob Shinn and Campbell. Property Located in Bayonne a block away form Exxon Tank and Hess, and PSEG Old facility where they dumped ash. (my locatio,Cor.of Orient & Evergreen St. Bayonne)
    Why did I have to pay over $ 200,000.00 for DEP and the ERISA approval,then pay the State for Oversight.
    The cost was due to six momotoring wells that probably had Fuel in from EXXON flowing under my site?
    I see Bob Martin is from Mass. Is that why Christie went here to get his campaign started?
    I lived in Hudson County for 25yrs. and go back to the day when things were so corrupt ,as is now, it was unbelievable. If Exxon doesn't have to pay for their bottomless tanks ,then why did I have to put up with everything from Josh Gradwhal, who was in charge if ECRA then ERISA?
    As for Mr.Menendez, I suggest you check his relationship with all those in Hudson COunty.
    Prec.Tool Corp.

  • bob stanley - 9 years ago

    8.9 billion dollars could payoff the pension deficit +roads,bridges,and environmental cleanup.thats chump change to that Goliath company,I'm not getting why the gov isn't going after them like he does against nj worker benefits

  • Maria Rispoli - 9 years ago

    Please check into Christie's relationships with the oil companies and his friends. They seem to have Menendez traits.

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