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Do you think the Reclaim Australia rallies raised awareness?

Total Votes: 811

  • Lily - 9 years ago

    For more than 30 years, I used to live in Indonesia before I moved to Australia. It's true that not all muslim are bad (I have many muslim friends still) but 'moderate muslim' will never go against the radical ones. They keep quiet and let the radical muslim take charge. Now some of Indonesia's provinces are based on muslim's law. There is no way non muslim will sit on the government there; they burned the churches and no more permit to build new one; alcohol are forbidden even for non muslims; they changed houses to small mosque and put speaker on top of the roof calling muslim to pray 5 times a day at least from crack of dawn to night time, often they do the calling all day on Sundays to disturb churches' mass; they won't shake your hand because you are 'unclean' and so on.
    I moved to Australia because I wanted a better live for my son. This is why I support Reclaim Australia. But the last rally is just the beginning. We need more and more rallies throughout Australia and we should not stop until we win against all radical muslims.

  • Marty Pandelus - 9 years ago

    Check the statistics on average their I Q is falling dramatically Is it any wonder they make the decisions they do We must maintain our peaceful opposition AS LONG AS IT TAKES !!!

  • Ron - 9 years ago

    Islam, Muslim INTER-MARRYING, Lowers IQ, GRAVE FACTS!

    GRAVE FACTS:Islamic Doctrine

    The Muslim Islamic Practice of Marrying "Close Cousins - Often Sisters" and Results"

    The practice of marrying close relatives, even first cousins and often sisters - was sanctioned by Muhammad himself, and has been their practice for 50 generations (over 1,400 years) in the Muslim world.

    Becasue of the large Islamic Immigrant population in Denmark, a Danish Doctor is perhaps the first westerner who has researched this little-known problem in the Muslim world and published the disastrous consequences of Muslim inbreeding.

    The massive inbreeding in Muslim culture seems to have done virtually irreversible damage to the Muslim gene pool, including extensive damage to its intelligence, sanity, and health.

    The doctor reveals, approximately half of all Muslims in the world are inbred.

    > In Pakistan, the numbers approach 70%.

    > Even in England, more than half of Pakistani immigrants are married to their first cousins, and

    > in Denmark the number of inbred Pakistani immigrants is around 40%.

    > It is about 67% in Saudi Arabia,

    > 64% in Jordan and Kuwait,

    > 63% in Sudan,

    > 60% in Iraq,

    > and 54% in the United Arab Emirates and Qatar.

    According to the BBC, this Pakistani, Muslim-inspired inbreeding is thought to explain the probability that a British Pakistani family is more than 13 times as likely to have children with recessive genetic disorders.

    Pakistanis are responsible for three percent of the births in the UK, they account for 33% of children with genetic birth defects.

    The risk of what are called autosomal recessive disorders such as cystic fibrosis and spinal muscular atrophy is 18 times higher and the risk of death due to malformations is 10 times higher.

    Other negative consequences of inbreeding include a 100 percent increase in the risk of stillbirths and a 50% increase in the possibility that a child will die during labor.

    Lowered intellectual capacity is another devastating consequence of Muslim marriage patterns. According to Sennels, research shows that children of close-relative marriages:

    > lose 10-16 points off their IQ and that

    > social abilities develop much slower in inbred babies.

    The risk of having an IQ lower than 70, the official demarcation for being classified as “retarded,” increases by an astonishing 400 percent among children of cousin marriages.

    Similar effects were seen in the ancient Pharaonic dynasties in ancient Egypt and in the British royal family, where inbreeding was the norm for a significant period of time. Twenty states in the U.S. allow first cousins to marry, but first cousin marriages remain rare in America, and the problem comes with generation after generation of first cousin marriage, which flushes recessive gene malformations to the surface.

    In Denmark, non-Western immigrants are more than 300 percent more likely to fail the intelligence test required for entrance into the Danish army.

    Sennels says that “the ability to enjoy and produce knowledge and abstract thinking is simply lower in the Islamic world.”

    He points out that the Arab world translates just 330 books every year, about 20% of what Greece alone does.

    In the last 1,200 years years of Islam, just 100,000 books have been translated into Arabic, about what Spain does in a single year.

    Seven out of 10 Turks have never even read a book.

    Dr. Sennels points out the difficulties this creates for Muslims seeking to succeed in the West. “A lower IQ, together with a religion that denounces critical thinking, surely makes it harder for many Muslims to have success in our high-tech knowledge societies.”

    Only nine Muslims have every won the Nobel Prize, and five of those were for the “P

  • Stu - 9 years ago

    It certainly raised awareness. Awareness that thinly-veiled racism is supported strongly by a minority of Australians.

  • Shane o - 9 years ago

    The Islamic problem stems from their teachings from the quran and hadith. Showing its similarities to nazism and Hitler's book mein kampf should lead a western society to rejecting Islam. People can change which ideologies they choose to follow which is why I think it's important to not direct hatred at the muslim people. Search in Google quran vs mein kampf to see.

  • ric - 9 years ago

    We must maintain the "rage". We must not stoop to the tacticts of the dirty foul mouthed unwashed. We must maintain dignity and respect. We must rally without disguise. We must be up front about our fears and our solutions. It ain't rocket science. We must continue to shame the commentators, haters and sceptics into acknowledging that Islam is not a race. It is a quasi "religion". It has no place on this continent. Any questions?

  • Jude - 9 years ago

    People who knew nothing about Islam being a growing problem in Aust eg halal certification are now asking questions. Awareness is a start but rallies need to be frequent. However enthusiasm must be kept at a high or numbers at the rallies will drop off. That's what the Left, Muslims and the Gov will be hoping for.

  • rees Watkins - 9 years ago

    when's the next one

  • Phil - 9 years ago

    Good media / bad media - doesn't matter. People watch the news, read the paper and make their own minds whether they are lefties or Righties...

  • marilyn stewart - 9 years ago

    So disgusted with our stupid Politicians supporting Islam in our country. We did not invite them in and we don't need them for any good purpose so why are they here disrupting our way of life? It is our religion which is being threatened and eroded away not theirs and it is because they demand that we all change our ways and traditions or customs to suit their demands and needs. I'm over it - they are the minority and the aliens NOT AUSSIES! They either like our ways, our customs, our religions, our laws, our freedoms, our way of life and us in general or they can all LEAVE! Fit in or Ship out!

  • Vickie McCully - 9 years ago

    i hope it has raised awareness, but I feel that due to others, ie, rent a mob, we patriots, are still seen as being racists.. I really want to participate in further rallies!!

  • Simone Sleep - 9 years ago

    We are going to stop the cabal and their puppets destroying the human race. We have woken up to the crimes committed against us. Justice will be served

  • richard aplin - 9 years ago

    i think reclaim got the message out very well some neg due to left wing media but overall reclaim in front

  • Yvonne - 9 years ago

    I think they did raise awareness. But I think the vaccinations bomb forced on to Australians was dropped to take people's minds off the rallies after media coverage. I think the 2 topics should be cojoined so all eyes are on one ball. It isn't just about vaccinations this is about free parenting choice regard of if you are for or against.

  • Garry - 9 years ago

    Was at the Melbourne rally with a friend (at the scheduled time, but the police already had the section cordoned off so we couldn't get in). It was interesting being in amongst the 'anti - ralliers', and hearing their take on it. (what bunch of dole budging idiots - no idea what the rally was about!!)
    From our perspective we thought the name of the rally should've been different as the numbskulls seemed to have gotten a 'free kick' from that. Something more specific like "no sharia for Australia" or "no sharia here". etc.. Also the placards could match the title more specifically . e.g. "No halal taxes", "No subjugation of women", "Keep FGM in your own caliphate". The idea for this is to make it harder for the idiots to counter the rally - their slogans would come across as stupid since they won't know what to say.
    Thanks for this importunity and keep up the terrific work!!

  • CL - 9 years ago

    We had a peaceful (although hot) rally at Cairns except for 1 irate who wanted his land back & 1 little leftie dweeb. We were upset we were not able to march to the RSL cenetaph as they didn't want any trouble? My ancestors would be rolling their eyes! I have had a few more people interested in attending the next one with me. Maybe the name should be changed to Reclaim Australian constitution or rights or something so the uneducated don't call us the R or B word? Just a suggestion. I will defend OUR way of life till the end for my grandchildren & beyond. I cannot believe our country has got to this stage! My ancestors came as free settler 1797 & married convict ..built & fought for this country.

  • Leelai - 9 years ago

    If it wasn't for the protest rallies, I think we would have made a lot more headway in letting people know just what is going on......although those protests did put our movement on the map so to speak. I attended the Gold Coast rally which was just so sister who has just had a baby and couldn't attend thought that all the rallies were violent because of the media coverage....she was so surprised to learn it wasn't. I think maybe next time we should have others doing a pamphlet drop before or during the rally, just to get our points across of what we are doing.....that could go a long way to inform more also.
    More rallies will spread the word regardless......if only the media would get more on board too. But we just need to break through the Political correctness we are many just don't have a clue!

  • Mia - 9 years ago

    Reclaim Australia rally's have only made us more aware of the extortion this country is under! With 'Halal Certification' & 'Sharia Law' which allows for atrocities against Moslem women & children as well as non Moslim people of the world! The invasion of the world is happening! We all have to speak up now, or be slaves to a paedophile Phrophet's ideas for ever! I personally think the Quran is a book of evil! As for letting a Moslem into Parliament? The government now has a spy in their midst Which will ensure this garbage surely becomes law! :-( God help us all! :-(

  • Pamela Bennett - 9 years ago

    The people in Australia have to stop the Muslims taking over like they have in other countries.
    We have a wonderful homeland and the refugees should be happy and grateful to be here.
    But no not the Muslims they just want to take over and make us eat halal which is such a scam!!
    No other refugees have done this the Italians, Greeks Jews, Vietnamese. They all have so much respect for this great nation and to be free to follow whatever religion they want. The Muslims have women in Dandenong having a wear a scarf day. It's just ridiculous. They are a sneaky bunch. I'm not racist but I don't want our country to change. Please you pollies listen to the PEOPLE!!!

  • Jo-Anna Katts - 9 years ago

    Reclaim Australia is a peaceful group, who are making people aware of what Islam and Moslems are doing - especially in Australia. My father fought the entire length of WW2, coming home after his tour, then enlisting in another area of the forces - finally becoming a 2/4ther Commando. He and others like him, risked their life to keep our country FREE from invasion and to be able to continue to enjoy what we had here. Our government has opened its door and allowed evil invaders in the guise of refugees, permiate our society and democracy. Islam is attempting to destroy us and take over from the inside. Unless federal government stop pandering to the demands of the minority Islam ideology - we are doomed. We are a democratic nation and as such - the MAJORITY rules, not the minority! Federal government are in breach of section 44 of the Australian Constitution, by having moslem members (who are sworn enemies of democracy) in parliament and allowing them to be sworn in using their quran - which isn't a Bible - but a book of hate, murder and deceit. We were formerly a Christian nation and our Bible was what Australians took an oath on - not a book of satan.

  • maree geerin - 9 years ago

    I agree with what Reclaim Australia are doing especially with their rallies.
    Muslims are not a race, they follow an ideology of atrocities through their book the Koran.
    We need to keep our culture and raise awareness what Islam is about in Australia and the world

  • di - 9 years ago

    Islam is less a religion and more a political socialist ideology. When the take citizenship they pledge to uphold our laws. So WHY are they allowed to practise sharia law for everything but criminal matters within the Islamic community?

    And people wonder why the islamic youth have no respect for the police well duh.

  • chris - 9 years ago

    The Reclaim Australia rallies great idea. Muslims attended as well and supported them as they don't want Sharia law which is already active in Sydney courts and Islamic Community centres. Islam is not a race and is a religious political legal social financial military ideology taught through the Qur'an to dominate overtake and control the world through Jihad and other sick perverted violations of human rights. They follow a paedophile who married a 6yr old child and believe it is their duty to continue raping small children and say it is ok to sodomize babies before they are weaned. Filthy perversion.

  • Jeffrey Erwin - 9 years ago

    Islam is NOT a race, it's an ideology & a way of life & it is totally incompatible with our western lifestyle.
    The reclaim rallies were nothing to do with hatred or fear of muslims, but to say we will not allow our country to be taken over & destroyed by these scumbags like England & parts of Europe have been.
    Halal certification is just the start of conversion to sharia law. We WILL NOT tolerate it.

  • debb johinke - 9 years ago

    save Australia from these extremists..this is our country not theres to live here live by our laws and rules and regulations.. sick and tired of this shit..stop this shit..
    save our country..the wolf is not at youre door it is in youre bloody house..

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