Do you think employees should have to tell supervisors if they volunteer for political campaigns?

1 Comment

  • Doug - 9 years ago

    Grim Jim is absolutely correct. The directive issued by HIS government is ridiculous & offensive. One would have to be incredibly naive to think this was the idea of some faceless bureaucrat. As with all things PC this order came from the top down & now Jim is a little embarrassed that it's out in public. After four decades in power this PC Party believes it has an unalienable right to control all of us all of the time. But for the first time in a generation I sense the winds of change are a blowin. The broken promises, fiscal mismanagement, cronyism, corruption and outright lies have made the public realize they deserve better than what this tired old bunch have to offer. So long Jim, don't forget to take your entitlements with you when you go.

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