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Do you get sick of seeing pictures and posts about your friends' babies on Facebook?

Total Votes: 2,720

  • CupOfTea - 9 years ago

    Damn, everyone who agrees that is it annoying to post photos of your kids a lot, THE WORLD DOESN'T REVOLVE AROUND YOU! Your friends aren't posting those photos for YOU, maybe she has an aunt in another state, or a grandma who doesn't see her in person much, those people LOVE seeing the photos of their family's young additions. All of my relatives live in a different state and even country than me, so I post a lot of baby pictures. When I don't post one for a couple weeks I get messages, "How's the baby? You haven't posted about her in a while". If it annoys you that someone posts about their child, YOU CAN MAKE IT SO THEIR POSTS DON'T APPEAR ON YOUR FEED. Or you can act like a normal human being and just keep scrolling if you aren't interested.

  • Chelsie - 9 years ago

    I'm sorry but if anyone gets to the point they think this way about me and my kids then unfriend me!! This letter to this woman that is osting to much about her daughter is ridiculous!

  • Audrey - 9 years ago

    I have elderly parents that are 2 hrs away and during 3 months in the winter they are 800 miles away. They want to see their grandson. I have friends in England, Zambian, and Jamaica. They want to be as to watch him grown too. If you don't like it then unfriend me! Real friends shouldn't be like that.

  • Donna - 9 years ago

    I would rather my friends talk about thier kids and send photos then the people who whine about how thier life sucks or other friend drama that they should be saying to thier face.

  • dcmom - 9 years ago

    Your fb page is your page. What else are you supposed to write about? I dont read everything thats posted. Only what attracts my attention. Why are people on fb complaining about others status? Seems like the complainer is who need to be at work, besides fb is superficial. Most of your "friends" are not real life friends. Just people you may have knew at one time or acquaintances looking to up their friend count. Stop taking fb so seriously! Get a real life and I promise you wont notice most of the bs that is fb.

  • Marie - 9 years ago

    Guarantee some people voted 'No' really wanted to vote 'Yes' but they just felt bad.

  • jennifer - 9 years ago

    Your Facebook is your page to post whatever you like. If you are bothered by someone's post block them or delete them. This is like a daily journal for you to express your thoughts and feelings.

  • sierra - 9 years ago

    Babys are the best thing in this world and if u dont like what someone is posting delete them. No friend would ever say that if the truly cared about u. I post pics of my baby all the time so my family can see her grow and i will not stop for anyone

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