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Who should Obama have picked for his VP nominee? (Poll Closed)


  • Jean-Guy Emond - 16 years ago

    Everybody says that Barack Obama is the first black candidate for the presidency of USA.

    His mother is white and his father is black...

    so Barack is metis !

  • Ed Gabriel - 16 years ago

    Obama made a wise decision by selection Biden as a running mate. Change can only come with new people. I watched the whole convention and am convinced that a new wind is blowing in America soon.

  • brian sullivan - 16 years ago

    hilary would have helped him win but afterwards---there would have been problems like we had never seen

  • Vern Boyko - 16 years ago

    Since the Dems have chosen the wrong person for Pres, they could at least have had the proper choice for VP. Bill, as a Rhodes scholar, was the brightest man ever in the White House, his morals weren't even the worst--second to JFK, and Hillary is one of the toughest as well as brightest people that has been in public life. The Clinton years marked some of the most well-off years that the US and the world have ever seen and yet nothing but calumny has been heaped upon the Clintons-both Hillary and Bill. Why they would want to endure this is beyond me; I guess they truly love their country despite all of the small minded, jealous people that inhabit it.

  • Ann-Marie Friesen - 16 years ago

    having a black president with a woman vp would have been the best of both worlds; it's unfortunate that only hilary was an option because of the reasons stated in the other comment
    with mccain announcing that he will be having a woman vp, the voters can either choose the first black president or the first woman vp
    it should be interesting

  • Ralph Smith - 16 years ago

    If Obama chose Hillary as VP, it would be like having Bill sitting on the corner of his desk in the White House. Those two would drive Obama nuts. What after 8 years of Hillary? Chelsea? The term limits were established for a reason and we are seeing that reason now!!

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