Do you believe Ollie should suffer any punishment for his actions this afternoon?


  • Tim - 16 years ago

    Ollie wouldn't of gotten mad if Dan didn't lie about everything. Dan said on Monica that he wouldn't break his word. Well he LIED! so Ollie had every right to go off. Don't lie and people won't get mad. Sorry for ya.

  • Brenda - 16 years ago

    I agree with Jamie that Ollie should not get away with his temper tantrum. What did he expect??? How dumb did he really think Dan would be??? Him and MIchelle both need to get a grip! They have both lost it! Ollie should at least not be allowed to win HOH this week at minimum. As much as I'd like to see him walk out the bb house door, I think it would be sweeter to see him voted out by the house. I really liked Ollie for awhile, I hope his nice family is not to embarrased by his actions in the house.

  • Jamie - 16 years ago

    In Season 4, Scott was removed from the house for throwing plastic chairs around the house. This is no different and should be treated the same. Ollie broke things and the house guests admitted they were scared. It's time to remove Ollie as well.

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