Should all trucks be speed limited to 65 mph?


  • James Huggins - 8 years ago

    Lol, I think ATA just roasted themselves with this pole. I vote to not limit the speed.

  • Mark - 9 years ago

    Why don't you just go ahead make it 55 mph.
    That way we can really make it fun on the road for them 4 wheelers Stupid is ...

  • Jamie - 9 years ago

    Stupid people making stupid laws! This law and other laws like this is why my 4 kids won't be driving trucks! My like is almost over with so you all can kiss my truck driving ass!

  • Jack Duncan - 10 years ago

    All your going to have is major traffic jams because you'll get a 65 mph truck trying to pass a 65 mph truck and no one will get anywhere

  • ET Miserable - 10 years ago

    I've been driving 12 years, in that time I've noticed the lack of training over the years. All these big companies are just trying to fill that drivers seat as fast as they can not looking at the big picture how much of a risk these inexperienced drivers are they cut loose way too soon. Cutting the speed back to 65 isn't the answer.

  • Larry Carino - 10 years ago

    If all vehicles were set at a governed speed(couldn't go faster),then it would be fine.However,we all know that won't happen.As long as there are split speed limits,(where trucks go slower than the rest of the vehicles[cars,smaller trucks and,yes commerical busses]),there are going to be MAJOR accidents due to this.For those of you who haven't been in a big truck,we get cut off numerous times every day by smaller vehicles traveling faster than us.Split speed limits ARE A MAJOR reason for this!! Split speed limits are UNSAFE!! Insurance companies and lawyers are the only real beneficiaries of split speed limits,due to the accidents and loss of life they cause.

  • Ken Puckett - 10 years ago

    The article said 18% of accidents between trucks and cars where the truck was at fault. AAA did a study a few years ago that found out that at least 70% of accidents between cars and trucks were the cars fault. So 30% were the trucks fault. 18% of 39% is 5.4 %. Therefore, 5.4% of accidents between cars and trucks are because the truck was going to fast for conditions.. Also, there are times that 45 mph or slower is to fast for conditions.
    I would actually support something like that under certain conditions. 1. All non emergency vehicles be governed the same. 2. Make it illegal for any company to set their trucks below the designated speed. 3. Do away with split speed limits. 4. Do away with lane restrictions. 5. Raise the minimum speed limit on interstate highways and enforce it.
    If ALL that would happen, the traffic flow would be a lot smoother and there would be fewer accidents..
    ATA serves the big companies not drivers. Their goal here is to drive the independents and small companies out of business.

  • Hobby - 10 years ago

    I think trucks that can't do the posted speed limit is the problem . If you own a trucking company the trucks should at least be able to do the speed limit these trucks governed at 65 or slower is bullshit .

  • Gjp - 10 years ago

    The ANTI-TRUCKING ASSOCIATION just needs to go the FUCK AWAY!!!!!!!!! Speed limiters an E-Logs are bullshit and unsafe but its the only way they can control you and how much you can make per year!!! JUST ANOTHER FORM OF SLAVERY!!!!!!! WAKE THE FUCK UP AMERICA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Joe - 10 years ago

    so we limit trucks to 65... Has anyone seen Schneider try to pass swift? It's a rolling roadblock that could hold up traffic for miles on end. And what about revenue? Most states complain now that they're broke.. So instead of the police doing their job and ticketing motorist(semi's alike), and collecting millions in revenue each year, let's slow us all down, and make us run e logs... Yea. That makes a lot of sense! Everyone, and I mean everyone that drives is feeding the nation. No matter how you look at it. The guy that got the ticket for hauling ass just gave his money to a small time police department. The trucker that only gets 5.5mpg who just dropped a grand in fuel helped keep the local truck stop up n running.... Why does everyone want to dip into each other's pocket so bad? The national highway fund is already broke! Why would ya pull even more money from it?

  • Shane bradford - 10 years ago

    Why don't the president of the ATA govern his car down to 65....what a dumbass...why doesn't he worry about more pressing issue's then this bs ideal!!!!!!!!!

  • Zack Reed - 10 years ago

    Why don't they just make these companies liable for giving the drivers more training and more time with experienced drivers. I talked to a gentelmen the other day and he was struggling backing in the dock so I asked if he needed help and he proceeded to tell me he had his CDL for 3wks and they put him out on the road. SPEED IS NOT YOUR PROBLEM ATA, GREED IS.

  • Dwight harned - 10 years ago

    I said no to this the cars will be blaming the trucks for going to slowly and they are in the way for them to exit or change lanes or they will be doing 75 mph and run into the back of the truck. Because they forgot that the truck is only going 65 mph.the problem is to make a law for all the states to have a no Text or on the phone.and a fine of 500.00 for texting and 1000.00 for talking on the phone.for everyone behind the wheel .then they will keep there mind and eyes on the road and everything around doesn't have anything to do with how fast the trucks are going.

  • Slick - 10 years ago

    All it will do is cause a BIGGER HAZARD

  • shakey - 10 years ago

    people complain about trucks now you slow trucks down more companies will have to hire more trucks to get freight hauling I think 75 is not too fast for truck

  • shakey - 10 years ago

    people complain about trucks now you slow trucks down more companies will have to hire more trucks to get freight hauling I think 75 is not too fast for truck

  • Big hammer - 10 years ago

    The trucks with 62 an 65 mph speed limits are not helping but hurting. It causes traffic jams on the interstates. U will be going down the road an a bunch of cars running the speed limit meets up to a 62 mph truck. An than there all trying to get over an here u set with a line of traffic 4 miles long in the fast lane an two miles long in the slow lane tring to get over to the fast lane to pass. But no one can see that can they. If the speed limit is 70 the truck need to go 70

  • roadeoroy - 10 years ago

    I think anyone who has a driver's license should be in a simulator to see what it is actually like to drive a truck or any large vehicle.
    Also let's plan a strike for this summer maybe the politicians and the government will mind their own damn business when this country comes to a halt

  • Keith G. Haralson - 10 years ago

    Have these people wanting to limit all trucks to 65mph ever watched how bunched up trucks become when they travel the same speed? It is nerve racking for the drivers and much more dangerous, not to mention how much more tiring for the drivers it is.

  • Karl Lindsey - 10 years ago

    the ata don't speak for everyone, they are for the unionized trucking industry. The get all the government perks, contracts and promises

  • Brad watts aka footsteps - 10 years ago

    Let these lawmakers and stoke rockers keep coming up with some bs rule when these asswholes have never in there life been in a truck,all they want to do is make a name for there self,we'll I'm gonna make one for all of us truckers, they need to mind their on damn business and worry about being a lawyer and a cricked ass stokebroker Sign your trucker friend FOOTSTEPS god bless all trucker without us they would not have shit

  • Chris Loomis - 10 years ago

    Look, governing speeds of all trucks coming from the ATA (primarily exists to service the needs of the mega carriers) down to 65 will do absolutely nothing to actually increase safety. I love seeing legislation like this, when in fact it does absolutely nothing more than just get someone off of the ATA's butt for a while and make them look like they're doing something. The like of the mega-carriers: JB Hunt, Werner, Schneider, US Xpress, CR England, etc... already have their speeds set at or below 65mph. Their self insured status does not require them to report all of the accidents that happen, so that paperwork gets buried way down in the bottomless pit of damming evidence. They have the highest accident rates in the country. The insistence of the ATA to the DOT to set up this safety and accountability score card did nothing more than give the general public the real information, well the ATA didn't like the kind of feedback they were receiving from the public, and quickly moved to close that loop hole that allowed the public eyes to see everything, shooting themselves in the foot. Still mega carriers don't report every accident, just to keep their cost of operation down to the absolute minimum. If we really saw the real numbers, the mega carriers would already be under heavy audit, and possibly disassembled for corruption, forgery, and purgery.

  • Eric - 10 years ago

    The crash data used for this and all other "safety " related crashes are greatly suspect, The data used in these type statements are drawn from police reports of said accident and most of those are filled out to limit the municipality's liability not to accurately portray the events of the crash, or they blame speed when they can't find a better cause that limits their liability, Fine example, the other day I saw a dump truck stop at As red light and then proceed to turn, in the middle of that turn, moving no more than 5 mph the truck tipped and spilled it's load all over the road. On the police report the cause of the accident was listed as too fast for the conditions, how can that be? It was clearly the fault of the load, improper loading, Yet the driver could do nothing to stop this from happening, and it will go agianst his record for 3 years. There were no cop who witnessed this accident

  • Jerry Matherly - 10 years ago

    Why not enforce the laws that are there now. Like slower traffic keep to the right lane. No left lane unless you are passing someone and no more 60mph cars on the interstate or trucks. There are plenty of roads that they can use and not tie up the interstates. That's why we have roads like US1. Keep the slow cars and trucks off the interstate

  • Otis - 10 years ago

    That will work great when 2 trucks are pass.going the same speed.The accident last week a lot of the drivers didn't have a cb.

  • dave brendel - 10 years ago

    Yea its safer how does that work when its us express and all the big company that wreck look last week in Wyoming all company trucks for the most part that wreck why that cause there in a hurry 65 is all they can do and they do it good weather or not nothing like to 65 mph trucks trying to pass each of and it takes them 20 miles to do it and they back up traffic

  • eric gravitt - 10 years ago

    It's already bad enough you get on the interstate and you have a huge group of trucks running 65mph they can't pass each other it's gonna cause more traffic jams it's gonna cause wrecks were cars going 80mph come up on them can't stop and run under the back of them. Or your going to have the damino effect when you have a huge group something happens to one just imagine the pile up that will cause

  • Derry Nelson - 10 years ago

    its not going to work all trucks going the same Speed. Now you're asking the driver to push more than the 11 Hours to drive. Besides think about the backups that will cause because one trucks horsepower might be Higher than the other. Truck sales will fall in all sales. You just done screwed the Trucking industry for the last time.

  • James Blakely - 10 years ago

    It has already been proven that split speed limits are a road hazard in itself. cars & pickup trucks get away with breaking their higher speed limits, cause accidends & still it is the trucks trying to make a living that keep getting hounded by feds with this junk. Where is the justice or COMMON SENCE?

  • Jeffrey Nelson - 10 years ago

    When I started driving trucks 32 years ago, it was my father who taught me and I guarantee you that I didn't get the opportunity to drive on my own until he felt I was competent and safe let alone able to shift without tearing things up.
    Now I realize that not everyone has their father for a teacher, but I too feel that the truck driving schools and programs in place now are nothing more than "driver mills" and do not put quality drivers on the road.
    That being said, the problem is not the speed of the trucks, but rather the individual behind the wheel and the vehicles around said trucks.
    If a driver thinks that they can drive a truck in the same manner that they drive a car they are sadly mistaken and if the average civilian out on the road thinks that a truck can turn, brake, accelerate or perform in any way like a car, they are also sadly mistaken.
    The point I am trying to make is this: first and foremost, training is the key for both new truck drivers and for the general public.
    Second, lawmakers and those in a position to influence lawmakers, need to quit looking for quick fixes and trying to put all the blame on the trucking industry in general and on truck drivers specifically. There is plenty of wrong doing out there to go around, it's not only the fault of the trucking industry or truck drivers.
    I also feel like dash cams are a good thing in as much as they provide another source of proof of what really happened in a given situation.
    Finally, drivers need to stand together in fighting for our rights and stop allowing our profession to be the dumping ground for tax revenue and anyone with an agenda.

  • David Snyder - 10 years ago

    You've made money on truck driving schools for info potent people to drive trucks . You have changed trucks to automatic transmissions to be able to put anyone in a seat for companies . Now you want speed limiters on all large vehicles . I'm driving 30. Damn years and what I see is a bunch of people who drive smaller vehicles that cause the problems . If I have to I will video this fact and show it . Then maybe there can be a change in who can driver campers, suv's , cars etc. stop giving the opportunity of driving large vehicles to people that have no clue and direct your attention on the fools that can operate a big wheel. !!!

  • dt trucking - 10 years ago

    I think this is all bullshit how about all trucks Shut down for two weeks then u can actually see the havick it will cause on America leave us truckers the hell alone ur always trying to do something to us how bout all the damn 4 wheelers can they do no harm the majority of our accidents are caused by 4 wheelers

  • tim paschall - 10 years ago

    The speed of a truck isn't the problem! 3 to 4 weeks of training after driving school is the problem! Should be mandatory 12 to 16 weeks for new drivers. Then given a very long and difficult road test at least 50 miles. Biggest percentage of accidents and rollovers are under 50 mph ! The speed of a truck going down the highway is not the issue! The Quality of the drivers being put behind the wheel is and always has been the problem!!! Not how fast a truck can travel down the highway!!!!

  • MT Maniac - 10 years ago

    If a top speed of 65 will be required on all trucks than 70 is the perfect speed for all other vehicles.

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