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Did Dan make the best strategic move for himself?

Total Votes: 4,101

  • jaimejoy7657 - 16 years ago

    No. Dan should have had Keesha win the POV and save Memphis leaving Dan no choice but to put up Ollie or Michelle. Let's not forget people that this a game based on strategy not whether you lie or tell the truth. It would be impossible to get through to the final 2 without lying to at least a couple of people!

  • Beck - 16 years ago

    Your whole blog is SO one-sided that you are being to make me ill. To portray Ollie and Michelle as some evil duet and to give LIAR Dan a free ride is repugnant. Didn't Dan give his word and swear on his girlfriend and his school to Ollie. Would you be upset if someone had lied to your face countless times and then acted as if you were the bad guy? Think disrespectful Memphs would have been upset? Get real!
    Even though I thought he was a jerk wish ED were in this house. HE would have called out Dan and buried him. Ollie vented his anger like Dick would have, except he did it the wrong way. For that you can question his game play but don't make him look like the evil empire while portraying Dan/Keesha/Memphis as something other than what they are - SNAKES! (I give RENNY a pass. She'll get eaten by those 3 soon enough.)

  • chris - 16 years ago

    no. he should have urged memphis to not use the veto. renny and keesha would vote jerry out and he would have the vote to break the tie if michelle and ollie wanted to get rid of memphis.
    but now he has no chance to win the game. ollie april michelle and jerry will never vote for dan to win the game. and four votes are deciding.

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